
美 [ˈpaɪkəz]英 [ˈpaɪkəz]
  • n.派卡(印刷字母规格和字行长度单位)
  • pica的复数
  1. Conclusion : ① PICAS was effective therapeutic method for primary and secondary coronary obstruction .


  2. PICAS was extremely difficult in coronary complex disease , sever or closed lesions and longer lesion but success rate was high when technical operation was very skilled .


  3. The posterior cerebellar artery ( PICA ) angiography have been done on 44 normal brain specimens of adult corpse with carbonic ink-barium sulphate suspension . 73 PICAs could be identified easily .


  4. The technical operation of PICAS was performed under digital imaging TV . Results : Characteristics of 30 cases of SCAG demonstrated coronary arterial stenosis or occlusion in 48 Vessels and 62 lesions , The stents were successfully implanted in 32 vessels and 38 lesions .
