physical stress

美 [ˈfɪzɪkl stres]英 [ˈfɪzɪkl stres]
  • 身体压力
physical stressphysical stress
  1. Horizontal lines , also known as Beau 's lines , are associated with serious physical stress .


  2. Physical stress like exercise reduces the kidneys ' ability to send urine to the bladder for excretion .


  3. Effect of psychological behavior training on the physical stress level of submariners


  4. Surgery is a serious psychological physical stress .


  5. Generation of suppressive protein after heavy physical stress in athletes


  6. Induction of SOD by Physical Stress in Cultured Garlic Cells


  7. The Effect of Long-Term Physical Stress on Glucocorticoid Receptor in Human Peripheral Leukocytes


  8. Sports helped me to take the physical stress in army life and at the front .


  9. The stresses in aquaculture can be divided into four categories : physical stress , chemical stress , biological stress and management stress .


  10. A second competition involved building a robot that could travel on uneven surfaces , move objects with unusual shapes and withstand physical stress .


  11. Scientists have long known about naturally occurring piezoelectric materials , which have the ability to transform electrical energy into physical stress and vice versa .


  12. The physical stress of caregiving is summed up in one awful statistic : People who care for dementia patients have an increased risk of death .


  13. The emotional and physical stress , however , that occurs due to odd working hours is a prime reason for a large of the career dissatisfaction .


  14. Conclusions Health education for patients who are going to detain stomach tube can relieve their mental and physical stress reaction and increase success rate of detaining tube .


  15. The contribution of sports participation to psychological health among college students in terms of the three types of stresses ranks as cognitive stress , physical stress , and then emotional stress .


  16. When introducing a production line , it is important to consult an ergonomics specialist and see that it 's user-friendly and will not cause too much physical stress and strain .


  17. However , studies have found that it may lower the risk of catching a cold among people whose bodies are under high physical stress & think marathon runners or soldiers on subarctic exercises .


  18. More than 80 percent of Chinese employees are overworked and under mental and physical stress at an average or higher level , according to a survey by a team at Wuhan University of Science and Technology .


  19. This chemical mimics the effects of emotional or physical stress by increasing the force of heartbeats and boosting the flow of blood in the body , which can lead to permanently raised blood pressure .


  20. Prof Parikh said : " The kidney responds to the physical stress of marathon running as if it 's injured , in a way that 's similar to what happens in hospitalised patients when the kidney is affected by medical and surgical complications . "


  21. The Relationship between Physical Exercise and Stress Level of University Students


  22. It can increase in times of physical or psychological stress .


  23. Relaxation activities help to reverse the physical reactions to stress .


  24. In some cases they are triggered by physical or emotional stress or exposure to environmental toxins .


  25. Cortisol is produced by the body under physical or psychological stress and has been linked to heart disease .


  26. Severe physical and emotional stress may represent inciting events for acute aortic dissection , new research suggests .


  27. Ergonomic display mounts , keyboard trays , and mouse pads reduce physical and visual stress .


  28. Conclusion Vocational technique training with aims and comprehensive training are helpful to alleviate physical and mental stress of gynecologic and obstetric nurses and improve their health level .


  29. Strong physical and mental stress , chronic stress especially , affects the health of mankind seriously , leading to clinical disease , sub-health status and premature aging .


  30. Conclusion : The increased risk of seizures in CU compared to AU and MU may indicate contribution of service conditions in CU , like physical and mental stress .
