
美 [pərˈpleksɪz]英 [pəˈpleksɪz]
  • v.使困惑;迷惑
  • perplex的第三人称单数



  • 1
    VERB 使困惑;使担心;迷惑
    If something perplexes you, it confuses and worries you because you do not understand it or because it causes you difficulty.

    It perplexed him because he was tackling it the wrong way.


  1. The main problem that perplexes the small business development is that in pooling funds .


  2. But spam , the virus mail the problem also perplexes us every moment .


  3. The problem of telecommunications'arrears has gradually become severe day by day , which perplexes telecommunication enterprises for long time .


  4. How crime occurs is the original question of criminology , also a problem which perplexes the society for long .


  5. The caking problem of sodium chloride not only perplexes the production factory , also brings the user much inconvenience .


  6. Each viewpoint analysis the basis of philosophy , malpractice of the active system and points out earnings which is based on improving the possible perplexes .


  7. Though the dull brain perplexes and retards .


  8. One of the fundamental problem perplexes telecommunications enterprises management a long time is the contradiction between scale and efficiency of the increment but not increase income .


  9. Under this background , the credibility issue becomes the important factor that perplexes the efficiency of microcosmic operation and the justice of the society .


  10. The transformation of the scientific and technical achievements has been a big puzzle which perplexes the combination of the science and technology of our country .


  11. 《 A Day In Pleasantville 》 reflects the perplexities of cultural identity which perplexes the Chinese in the United States .


  12. But we also see the rigorous challenge and risk taken by the economic globalization . There primarily have : Employment problem which further perplexes the development of China economy ;


  13. Then , it has solved some perplexes and confusions of capital essence and its function in academic circle , defined and analyzed the real meaning of capital aiming at value creation .


  14. Experiencing many years of development , the cryptography has formed more perfect system , in particular the advent of the asymmetric algorithm having settled the puzzling perplexes over a long period of time .


  15. Though the dull brain perplexes and retards Already with thee ! tender is the night , And haply the Queen-Moon is on her throne ,


  16. Since 1930s , romanticism of politics in China has repeled romanticism of aesthetics and replace it , resulting in a series of perplexes in specific practice of literature and art .


  17. Recently , the disputes of lots of land expropriation compensation have become the problem which perplexes the urbanization construction in our country . It is also the primary problem that influences the social stability and development at present .


  18. This phenomenon perplexes me old , because the not to be pooh-poohed on the body discharges sweat , after reason moves , giddy head goes up , facial red .


  19. Todd Solondz 's'Happiness'is a film that perplexes its viewers , even those who admire it , because it challenges the ways we attempt to respond to it .


  20. With higher and higher design requirements of electromagnetic compatibility , the use of high density and high power hermetically sealed box is becoming wider and wider , but the problem of cooling always perplexes the construction designers .


  21. While in China , most witnesses are unwilling to appear in court which perplexes Chinese legal professionals very much . It is said the court appearance rate of witness is less than 1 % by authority .


  22. There are some problems to be solved during the further development of Highway Company , in which , the administrative structure of Highway Company is the key , significant and deep-level problem that perplexes the normative operation of Highway Company .


  23. The incentive of a system is an important problem which perplexes many scientists as well as supervisors . Meanwhile , a new methodology of mechanism design can ensure that the price quoted by the service provider reflects the real cost of the service .


  24. Owing to wide application of WDM technology , the bandwidth capacity problem which perplexes the development of framework network is resolved . The focus of research and construction in optical correspondence is turned round from Wide Area Network to Metropolitan Area Network gradually .


  25. Chapter Two expounds the positive effect , the perplexes and challenges which the villager self-government brought out , puts forward the urgency for bringing forth new ideas in the style of leadership and activities of rural Party branches in the new situation .


  26. As the evolution of economic globalization , many scholars are working on why similar or complementary enterprises can form industry clusters and the process of this formation . Due to the relatively fixed members , knowledge lock-in effect is a real problem perplexes industry clusters .


  27. From the marine professional management to the integrated marine management , the " coordination problems " is increasingly received more and more intention , and becomes an important research topic . But a great deal of problems still exists , and it perplexes the development of the ocean .
