- v.以高人一等的态度对待;(经常)惠顾(商店等);资助(patronise 的现在分词,patronise 等于 patronize)
- adj.自认为高人一等的(等于 patronizing)

Their attempts to be casual have so far just looked arch or patronising .
But the majority offer activities that " are too childish , patronising even . These are adults and they want serious activities . "
Stop patronising me-I understand the play as well as you do .
But the move provoked a reaction from many people who felt he was needlessly patronising .
The managers adopt patronising attitudes towards the obedient and faithful subordinates .
" This is insulting and patronising " to recipient countries , he said .
First , slow down , but not to the point where members of your audience think you are patronising them .
Patronising your audience is as bad as losing them through being too colloquial .
Such a foray into the practical world was liable to be met with patronising jokes within the academic world .
This is not only silly and patronising , it is dangerous .
Why should I give my patronising colleague the benefit of the doubt when he was so clearly in the wrong ?
Full marks to Prince George for giving the patronising high-five of the Canadian prime minister the eye .
Michelle Dewberry , a former winner of The Apprentice , said the motion was patronising .
But the majority , say Mr Mori , offer activities that " are too childish , patronising even . These are adults and they want serious activities . "
All of this was a world away from George W Bush , who was unable to address Muslims in a tone that was not bellicose or patronising .
The sentiment behind the utterance is undoubtedly a sincere and genuine one , free of any deliberate intent to patronise , but it was patronising nonetheless .
She said : ' It 's very patronising for women to be singled out in this way . All this does is reinforce the stereotype that women are bad at parking . '
Even SNCF , France 's national rail company , is considering buying them for the Eurostar , its trans-channel service , rather than patronising Alstom , the French national champion .
You 've probably seen it by now : the 40-second long depiction of Chinese culture , complete with a painfully patronising voiceover guiding the model through the eating of oversized Italian meals with cheap chopsticks .
But that very quote comes not from a patronising westerner , but from India 's own Satyajit Ray , the country 's most distinguished director , who helped to form a " parallel cinema " movement in the 1950s that produced beautifully crafted works that found respect all over the globe .
Be it the mechanics of bridges , why Sean Connery 's the best Bond , or the complexities of the offside rule , even if he 's being patronising allow him his airtime , and he will then shut up , leaving you to enjoy the peace and quiet of a loving and giving relationship .
On the downside , of course , we young grandmothers do still have to cope with the prejudices of the rest of society : those who will call you " Granny " in a way that is beyond patronising and seem to think that your only possible interests in life are baking , knitting , gardening and Saga holidays .