
An Analysis of Rationality of Landuse Based on the Fuzzy Patern Recognition Theory
Calculation formula of a characteristic function in patern recognition
Feedstock and its delivery in coal direct liquification process and patern selection of recycle pump
The patern of the library in the future
Three Sculpture in Jixi - Art of Sculpture in Ancient Architecture of Hui faction Patern
Struts is the classic framwork based on MVC patern .
Infection and incidence patern of cucumber sclerotinia blight and grey mould in plastic sheds
Detection and tracking of moving object in image sequence is an important area in the domain of digital image processing , patern recognition and computer vision .
When creating the Microsoft Exchange virtual system patern , you will have to follow the order and dependencies detailed in the following list .
Image registration is a hot spot of many research fields such as computer vision , patern recognition , medical image analysis and remote sensing image processing and so forth .
Social shift surely brings cultural tradition transformation as well as values and personality patern changes , which will result in the general shift of the whole cultural system and structure .
Notice that the term " patern " is misspelled , but with a fuzzy search , documents containing the correctly spelled term " pattern " are found .
On the overall design of URL categorization subsystem , the author used text intelligent classification techniques and human reviewer patern , which improving the efficiency and accuracy of URL classification . 4 .
There were significant differences in 4 kinds of attachment among adolescents of Chinese Mainland , Malaysian Chinese and Malay . Replacement by the New Generation and Patern Transformation ── A Survey of Development of Malaysian Chinese Literature in the Past Ten Years
In allusion to these causes , the author proposes ways to adapting to nursing education internationalization by changing the nursing patern , the nursing education concepts and teaching modes as well as raising the total quality of the teachers specialized in nursing .
The " Ying Shen Sai She " culture affect the content and patter of folk perform , In the circumstances of " Ying Shen Sai She " , folk performs form its own content and patern .
The article thinks the Israeli economy soars no donbt has many accidental factors , has the certain particularity , but its economical modernization patern also has a bigger universal significance , can provide the experience and the enlightenment for the developing country .
A new conical light scattering is reported for the first time , When a convergent laser beam is incident along the C axis direction of a photorefractive crystal , the scattered patern evolved from a ring into two spots symmetrical about the centre .
The masculine rate of sputum cultivation in the patern of phlegm stagnation obstructing lung is high , at the same time , FEF50 % and FEF25 % descend much evidencely ( P < 0.05 ) .