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  1. Experimental study on low temperature thermal treatment of pcdd / fs in fly ash


  2. Influence factors and control means of de novo synthesis of PCDD / F


  3. Thus , it is important to control the emissions of PCDD / Fs .


  4. Analysis on the Research Status of PCDD / Fs and PCBs in China and the Strategies


  5. Preliminary Study on Level and Pattern of PCDD / PCDFs in Soil in Part of Beijing City


  6. Risk Evaluation of PCDD / Fs in Edible Fish and Duck in Typical East Coast Cities


  7. Primary investigation of PCDD / Fs and PCBs in soils from some areas in Zhejiang


  8. Determination of toxic equivalents of PCDD / fs in two Chinese commercial PCBs by C isotope dilution method


  9. Comparison of PCDD / Fs content and profile in fish between marian and fresh water in a typical Chinese area


  10. With the medical waste incinerator project widely setting up recent years , the PCDD / F control regulation is tightly observed .


  11. The article studied the thermal desorption behavior of PCDD / Fs on the fly ash under anoxic conditions .


  12. The third effect of water was to provide oxygen for PCDD / F formation when there was no addition oxygen source in atmosphere .


  13. The dioxins current emission in different waste incinerators and PCDD / Fs formation mechanisms were studied in this paper .


  14. When S / Cl ratio is higher than 1.5 , the PCDD / Fs emission factors are then obviously decreased .


  15. In addition , the pretreatment methods of biology food samples , analysis of PCDD and PCDF were reviewed in detail .


  16. Validation of automated clean-up system for analysis of PCDD / Fs and coplanar PCBs in CRM fish samples


  17. The main factors affecting kOH values of the PAHs and PCDD / Fs are molecular ability to donate electrons .


  18. Prediction of Photolysis Half-Lives of PCDD / Fs Adsorbed on Spruce Needles Optimized by Genetic Algorithm


  19. Study on the pollution status of PCDD / Fs and PCBs in sludge and crucian from typical polluted areas of Zhejiang Province


  20. The chemical structure , physical and chemical properties ( toxicity ), formation mechanism , pollution way , evaluation method and drainage standard of PCDD / Fs were presented .


  21. The results show the types of fuel and chlorine content in fly ash have remarkable influence on concentration of PCDD / Fs in fly ash .


  22. Experimental study on pcdd / fs formation on waste incinerator fly ash via de novo SYNTHESIS-EFFECTS of oxygen , carbon and catalyst


  23. The gas-particle partitioning of PCDD / Fs emitted from three emission sources was different because of different burning material , burning condition and burning degree .


  24. The PCDD / Fs in surface sediments of Great Canal in Hangzhou city were analyzed by isotope Dilution HRGC / HRMS method .


  25. This research based on the technique of time-flight-mass-spectrometer , developed the equipment that can be used for monitoring the indicator of PCDD / Fs during incineration process .


  26. Except for the river mouth , the distribution of PCDD / F congeners was same basically with the lower chlorinated congeners dominated .


  27. Thus in the field conditions , photodegradation plays a major role on the fate of PCDD / F and PAH adsorbed on spruce needle surfaces .


  28. The detection limits of PCDD / Fs and dioxin-like PCBs were 0.1-0.8 pg / g and 0.05-0.6 pg / g respectively .


  29. Oysters and marine mussels can be used as bio-markers to survey the contamination status of PCDD / Fs and PCBs in the ocean environment .


  30. How to decrease the generation of PCDD and to absorb it effectively have become the hot spot of scientific research , in order to lower the pollution level to the fullest extent possible .
