A large amount of large arawana and its parr have been caught and smuggled by different means to all over the world .
The definition of balance is an ongoing project , Mr. Parr said .
He always took the waters at Parr after his strenuous social season .
Parr asserts that the color orange has the lowest correlation with confidence .
A : Let 's see , I 'll take a bottle of Old Parr and also a bottle of Napoleon .
The calorific value of Medicago populations from northern Xingjiang and cultivars were measured using Parr measurement .
The working principle , thermal capacity calibration , calorific value calculation , attentions in operation and fault analysis of PARR 6300 calorimeter are introduced .
when Parr 's new husband , Thomas Seymour , started paying playful visits to her bedroom .
And Mr. Parr is a courtly and gentle fellow .
The futuristic frozen treat has been developed for Wall 's Ice Cream by food designers Bompas and Parr .
Rajat Parr , Mina Group , San Francisco
One of the favourite watering-places of the Victorians He always took the waters at Parr after his strenuous social season .
1543-King Henry VIII of England married his sixth and last wife , Catherine Parr at Hampton Court Palace .
Professor Gerard Parr of the Internet technologies research group at the University of Ulster is part of the first UK-China research network in intelligent automation , computing and manufacturing .
The5-pound-a-jar jam is both art and food , said Sam Bompas , who founded catering company Bompas and Parr .
According to Ben Parr , author of the book : The Science of Capturing People 's Attention , people have automatic reactions to specific sights , sounds , and colors .
Mr. Parr insists there are no technical parameters , no strict cutoffs or exclusionary rules governing admission to I.P.O.B. , which currently has 33 members .
When Lisa Parr , one of my co-workers at Emory University , tested chimpanzees on portraits of their own species , they excelled at it .
Colonel Parr was only too happy to oblige and wrote out a certificate to the effect that the officer was alive , dated it and gave it to him .
Ms. Hirsch had first met Mr. Parr when her father brought her as a young woman to New York for the celebration of the wines of Burgundy , known as La Paulee .
Aiming at the drawbacks of traditional companding methods to reduce peak-to-average power ratio ( PARR ) in orthogonal frequency division multiplex ( OFDM ) communication system , a partial companding method was proposed in this paper .
Despite the fact that mobile phones are banned in cinema theatres as the light they give out provides a distraction , Bompas and Parr insist that the ice creams won 't create the same problem .
In order to provide basic data for studying agricultural eco-systems in the black soil area , the processes of matter accumulation and energy flow in root , stem , leaf and ear of spring wheat population at different stages of growth were measured by using the calorimeter Parr .
Mr. Parr had just started making wine in Santa Barbara county ( his brands are called Sandhi and Domaine de la Cote ), and the pair decided to stage a tasting of their favorite California Pinots as a learning experience for a small group .
The idea for the group was cooked up in 2011 at RN74 , the San Francisco restaurant where Mr. Parr , who was born in India and trained at the Culinary Institute of America , served as sommelier and mentor to a generation of young sommeliers .