
  • n.参数;参数个数(param 的复数)
  1. Params , the type of the parameters sent to the task upon execution .


  2. The last line , debug ( params ), is optional .


  3. Normally the query string gets parsed and stored in params .


  4. These parameters , like all request parameters in a Grails application , are exposed through the params object .


  5. For the submit action , you passed the whole params object to the constructor of the Story class .


  6. Method getMethod ( String name , Class [ ] params ) & Gets the named public method using the specified parameter types


  7. Constructor getConstructor ( Class [ ] params ) & Gets the public constructor using the specified parameter types


  8. The method call params . pue-trend-dataId [ ] automatically retrieves the parameter from the URL .


  9. The first is called shared render parameters and allows portlets to set params that can be read by other portlets .


  10. In the template matching external links , the variable " params " contains a concatenation of all strings generated from


  11. The params field is itself an object , consisting of key / value pairs that will be passed to the server-side script .


  12. The request method in ExtJS takes a single argument , an object with various fields including url , params , method , and success .


  13. You 'll notice that rather than params , variables are passed using the data field , and the method needs to be specified in lowercase .


  14. Because this isn 't the primary key of the User , you can 't use User . get ( params . id ) as you normally would .


  15. When BES ⅲ is running , the system will be used to online calibrate electronics channels and provide the calibration params to adjust electronics data .


  16. It defaults to undefined , but will be treated as POST by default if there are params in the request .


  17. WebContent / WEB-INF / portlet . xml : Removes references to the WSDL file and any init params created .


  18. When using Ajax , you don 't have the real link anymore , and you use the params attribute of the Ajax tag to pass a value of a component with the request .


  19. The input arguments are query , which is the JPQL string ; and params , which is the bound parameter values to the query , each indexed by key .


  20. The function gets the attributes from the template as an array named params that is passed to json_encode (), which returns a JSON representation of the PHP associative array .


  21. To make the call fail ( in this case ) or succeed ( in the case of testWithGoodIata ()), you need to seed the params hashmap with an id entry .


  22. Since the params [ : person ] hash contains all the name / value pairs from the input form , a single call to update_attributes does everything necessary to update the @ person instance .


  23. In this case , TripController redirects you to the list action , passing along all of the parameters ( or QueryString ) in the params hashmap .


  24. The second line shows the use of zlist (), where the entry in the global context is a list of key / value pairs , which is the case for ' / request / params ' .


  25. When enabling a JavaServer ™ Faces ( JSF ) portlet , two initialization parameters ( init params ) that reference the name of the input property and the name of the target action are also added .
