
  • v.以谋略制胜;以谋略制胜,以策略制胜;以机动性胜过;智胜(对手),比(对手)技高一筹

过去式: outmaneuvered 现在分词: outmaneuvering 过去分词: outmaneuvered 第三人称单数: outmaneuvers



defeat by more skillful maneuvering
The English troops outmaneuvered the Germans
My new supervisor knows how to outmaneuver the boss in most situations
Synonym: outmanoeuvre outsmart


  1. Connally sought to cow opposition while Nixon 's strategy was to outmaneuver it .


  2. To deceive or outmaneuver a defender by a feint .


  3. Zhou 's intellect would seek to persuade or outmaneuver it ;


  4. He said the boat was trying to outmaneuver the Israeli vessel when it was struck .


  5. They outnumber the high elves and can outmaneuver most enemies .


  6. But for Dell , acting more like a startup may be the best way to outmaneuver bigger tech rivals .


  7. Above all , don 't try to go into denial , for you won 't be able to use logic to outmaneuver your feelings .


  8. It must also outmaneuver competitors like Time Warner 's HBO , which already has a robust international business and announced a streaming deal last week in China .


  9. Outmaneuvering the U. S. , the Africans put one of their own at the helm of the world forum for the first time .


  10. Most popular management theories suggests it is necessarily to fight and claw your way to the top by outperforming and outmaneuvering everyone else .


  11. So our only real asset , I decided , was that we had to outmaneuver and out-innovate them .


  12. The general view seems to be that Galadriel could outmaneuver celeborn in a one-way street , or lead him any way she pleases .


  13. So if a consumer wants to continue acquiring residential property he or she often doesn 't have much choice but to try to outmaneuver the government restrictions , observers say .


  14. Through customer surveys , focus group meetings and mystery shopper surveys , we gather market information to enable our clients to react promptly to customers'needs and outmaneuver competition .


  15. The disposition of forces , selection of objectives , and actions taken to weaken or to outmaneuver the enemy all set the terms of the next battle and exploit tactical gains .


  16. He became general manager prior to the 1982-1983 season , a position where he could still outmaneuver his opposition but that left him a step removed from the taxing emotions that came with being on the court .


  17. In the face of ever-changing market demand environment , few companies can only rely on a single channel to outmaneuver . A combination of the electronic channel and traditional channel , i.e. dual-channel distribution , has become an essential choice for enterprises .


  18. Contrary to popular belief that you need to be physically fit to outmaneuver the enemy , it 's actually the ability to read the danger potential of a person or situation - in other words , having the smarts , which is the key to survival on the ground .


  19. Later , a Moroccan bid committee member offered Mr. Warner $ 1 million in exchange for his vote , but that person was outmaneuvered : the South African bid committee had arranged a $ 10 million bribe in exchange for the votes of Mr. Warner and two co-conspirators on South Africa 's behalf .


  20. The best American-born players in the NBA were forced to spend quality and quantity time together every summer ; together they figured out how to outmaneuver a rigged system created by the NBA 's owners to create parity in a game where one or two players often make a bigger impact than the rest of their teammates combined .
