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美 [ˈaʊstɪŋ]英 [ˈaʊstɪŋ]
  • v.罢免;剥夺;革职
  • oust的现在分词



  • 1
    VERB 罢黜;把…撤职;驱逐
    If someone is ousted from a position of power, job, or place, they are forced to leave it.

    The leaders have been ousted from power by nationalists...


  • The ousting of his predecessor was one of the most dramatic coups the business world had seen in years.



the act of ejecting someone or forcing them out
Synonym: ouster


  1. The resulting financial chaos led to the ousting of Bristol-Myers ' s boss .


  2. But the ousting of Mr Henderson did not relate to one single disagreement .


  3. The ousting of the president has drawn widespread criticism across Latin America and the wider world .


  4. In particular , he wants collaboration with opposition parties mostly bent on ousting him .


  5. It is essential to bear in mind that ousting regimes is the least difficult part of the challenge .


  6. That was the ousting of the city 's working class and bohemians .


  7. In the natural sciences , these have usually led to decisive victories , with good science ousting bad .


  8. There were no grounds for ousting the prime minister .


  9. And he was instrumental in my ousting at the company , was he not ?


  10. But it 's still unclear how Guinea 's political elite will react to Conde 's ousting .


  11. On Thursday , Wal-Mart seemed to be playing the part of a losing sports team looking to turn things around by ousting the head coach .


  12. The Tea Party scored a pair of victories in Texas Tuesday ousting two Republican incumbents in favor of more conservative candidates .


  13. The move likely mean the city once held as the capital of the revolution named ousting Syrian President Bashar al-Assad will fall back into government control .


  14. Any leader must know that a decision to deploy them will sacrifice sovereign immunity and result in many in the world accepting nothing less than ousting and arrest .


  15. In the17th century , the Dutch emerged as the most powerful of the Europeans , ousting the Spanish and Portuguese .


  16. The Congress refused authorisation for the war ; and there was no clamour in Middle America for the ousting of muammer Gaddafi .


  17. The HR board was congratulated for acting decisively in ousting the formerly heroic CEO . It may have been decisive but the decision was a feeble one .


  18. After days of bloody clashes , Hamas took control of Gaza , ousting the Palestinian Authority and the rival Fatah party from one half of the Palestinian territories .


  19. Meanwhile , back at the ranch , Mrs Thatcher has succeeded in replacing Mr Heath , and ousting other likely candidates , as Leader of Her Majesty 's Opposition .


  20. But technocrats were ousting amateurs .


  21. The findings along with the ousting of Mbeki in September have reignited questions about why he ignored the scientific consensus and why his colleagues did not challenge his stance earlier .


  22. There are numerous examples of this , particularly in South America and the Middle East , one of the most notable being the ousting of Iran 's democratically elected government in the early 1950 's.


  23. Argentina has announced plans to renationalise YPF , its biggest national oil company , ousting the Spanish group Repsol as majority shareholder and prompting a furious row with Madrid .


  24. In others they could become chaotic , especially if oppositions splinter having achieved the one objective on which they agree : the ousting of the existing regime ; Egypt and Tunisia both come to mind here .


  25. The company , founded by jailed billionaire Huang Guangyu , last year shifted its focus on to store expansion after ousting chairman Chen Xiao , who wanted to concentrate more on store profitability .


  26. In a recent interview , Mr Cook denied that the ousting of Google Maps from iOS 6 was a strategic move against a company which , through Android , has become its main rival in smartphone software .


  27. The Red Eyebrows succeeded in 18 CE in ousting the Emperor Wang Mang , but they failed to enact any lasting change as political power was quickly seized by other members of the former imperial family .


  28. JPMorgan 's investment bank , which saw the ousting of its co-head Bill Winters last month , accounted for more than half of group profits , driven by strong revenues in its fixed-income unit and other trading businesses .


  29. Apple has been accused of putting corporate interests ahead of its customers ' by ousting Google Maps , which has been bundled into the iPhone 's software since its launch in 2007 , in favour of an in-house product .


  30. Mr Rubin , a former US Treasury Secretary , was influential in the boardroom and had led the committee that picked Sir Win as chairman following the ousting of chairman and chief executive Chuck Prince in November 2007 .
