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  • 网络俄亥俄州立大学;初音;太鼓;音乐游戏;手元
  1. Perhaps most importantly , OSU has the second-biggest alumni network in the entire country .


  2. What 's more , cats ' behavioural patterns remained consistent when the OSU team recreated the experiment with a group of fully5 grown cats .


  3. Don 't get excited if you get admission to OSU .


  4. OSU Rate Control Algorithm


  5. Fridays : Show your true colors for all things OSU


  6. Description : This is the website for College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources , OSU .


  7. Not that OSU is a bad school , it 's just that large classes make me nervous .


  8. I 'm in love with OSU football and wanted a huge school so it seemed like a good fit .


  9. Unless you are obsessed with Ivy , an OSU education is widely recognized .


  10. I 'm writing this review because I feel compelled to give the most accurate image of OSU as possible .


  11. Texas OSU football team cheerleader ; very professional .


  12. Rate based congestion control and credit based congestion control are discussed in this paper , and some enhanced schemes for OSU algorithm are addressed .


  13. As a new transfer student , I wasn 't completely sure what to expect coming to OSU before I came here .


  14. Employers respect OSU , and it has opened doors for me even outside the state of Ohio .


  15. And , his parents tell him he must not marry Clara because she is an osu .


  16. Some people are intimidated by the large size of OSU , but really I think that 's it 's strongest point .


  17. I would say that if you 're going to college to have fun then you could probably do this anywhere , including OSU .


  18. The experiment of Extraseasonal prediction in China by osu / ncc GCM for flood season


  19. The major difference is that unlike those schools , OSU gets most its students from Ohio and the rest of the Midwest .


  20. First , Clara tells him that she cannot marry him because she is an osu , an outcast .


  21. McKeever also said that OSU " received confidential information , which it will not reveal in public , that made the president uncomfortable with this particular project " .


  22. In this study numerical experiments on the influences of the Qinghai & Xizang Plateau topography on the summer general circulation have been performed by using the OSU atmospheric general circulation model .


  23. Stephen McKeever , vice-president of research at OSU , told New Scientist a key reason was that the university had no history or experience of euthanising primates .


  24. Kathy Magnusson , a professor at OSU , said : ' This flavonoid [ xanthohumol ] and others may have a function in the optimal ability to form memories . "


  25. What has been known for some time is that blood vessels , as they age , lose much of their capacity to relax – according to the OSU research , about half of that capacity , even in healthy vessels .


  26. Experts at Oregon State University ( OSU ) believe they have taken a step to understanding the degradation of memory that happens with age in many mammals , including humans , because no effect was seen in older mice used in the study .


  27. While sulforaphane has long shown evidence of value in cancer prevention , researchers at Oregon State University ( OSU ) and the Oregon Health and Science University suggested in a new study that it may play a role in slowing cancer growth as well .


  28. Using ensemble method , tests for seasonal and annual predictions of rainfall in China during the period of 1982 to 1995 are made by the atmospheric GCM / mixed layer ocean and ice model ( denoted as OSU / NCC ) .


  29. Emily Ho , a professor at the OSU College of Public Health and Human Sciences , said " our original goal was to determine if sulforaphane supplements would be well tolerated and might alter some of the epigenetic mechanisms involved in cancer . "


  30. The result of its homology comparison with C134 / VP7 , OSU / VP7 , ICB2185 / VP7 and YM / VP7 is 87 % , 99 % , 74 % and 83 % respectively .
