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  1. The first part mainly probes into the relationship between Eugene O ' Neill and Orin .


  2. Without that data , it 's hard to know where to focus attention to make global health programmes more effective , says Orin Levine , who runs the foundation 's vaccination efforts .


  3. Orin : You may be trying to find or create perfect love in your life .


  4. And he holds the key to the corruption Orin sees all around him .


  5. In recent years , the teaching of Chinese as a second language whether in theory orin practice and achieved gratifying results .


  6. Orin : You are the healers , teachers , and leaders of this new age .


  7. One of the reasons lies in normative logic itself , such as in its paradox orin its inconvincible system .


  8. Orin and I encourage you to read this book for the wisdom it contains , not because of any claims made about its source .


  9. But when he crosses paths with Orin boyd , he discovers that nothing is what it seems , even the law .


  10. Orin and Daben assured us that , because this was a very important transition time for the earth , many high guides were present and wanted very much to assist us .


  11. With enemies everywhere and only one chance , Latrell and Orin must join forces to reveal the deadly conspiracy at the heart of the precinct .


  12. A tough urban detective who pushed the law too far in order to serve it , Orin has been sent downtown to do time in the city 's worst precinct .


  13. This book , Living with Joy , was " given " to me by a source of wisdom I call Orin while I was in a state of peace and expanded awareness .


  14. It 's akin to requiring someone 's house keys , said Orin Kerr , a George Washington University law professor and former federal prosecutor who calls it an egregious privacy violation .
