
  • n.顶盖;蒴盖,囊孔盖;珠孔盖

复数: opercula



a hard flap serving as a cover for (a) the gill slits in fishes or (b) the opening of the shell in certain gastropods when the body is retracted


  1. A Study on the Operculum of Marine Gastropoda in the North Part of China


  2. Cells in the right parietal operculum operate as we act in response to other 's gestures .


  3. An alternative treatment involving removal of the operculum , called operculectomy , has been advocated .


  4. The contact between the operculum and the shell appears to be uneven but not indented .


  5. Micropylar collar and operculum are absent in micropylar region .


  6. Each ascus has a operculum of long tube form and 8 ascospores inside , its external wall has also reticular veins .


  7. Results of cytological analysis indicated that forming of sporopollenin lamella was defected during pollen development , which leads to abnormal pollen operculum .


  8. A screw gear type differential mechanism includes a differential carrier , an operculum , a main reducing gear driven gear , left and right half axis gears , etc.


  9. The course , from its fertilized egg stage to operculum completely closed stage , may be divided into 24 stages , which totally take about 230 hours .


  10. Gastropods having the gills when present posterior to the heart and having no operculum : includes sea slugs ; sea butterflies ; sea hares .


  11. The shapes of the frontal operculum were divided into 6 types . This area tended to be larger on the left than on the right side though the difference was not statistically significant .


  12. Animal experiments have found that the non-human primates , premotor cortex , sensorimotor area , frontal , parietal and temple operculum , orbitofrontal cortex and cingulate cortex are associated with swallowing function .


  13. Seizure onsets were 5 cases in mesial frontal lobe , 1 in triangular of inferior frontal gyrus , 1 in operculum of inferior frontal gyrus , and 1 in superior temporal gyrus .


  14. The results showed that during perception of disgust facial expressions , brain activation exists mainly in the insula , frontal operculum , fusiform gyrus , parietal gyrus , orbitofrontal cortex , temporal cortex , and occipital gyrus .


  15. Results The activation areas were found in bilateral or unilateral motor cortex , somatosensory cortex , prefrontal cortex , temporal cortex , premotor cortex , insula , frontal operculum , basal ganglia ( putamen ), parietal cortex and cingulate .


  16. Methods In indoor immersing experimentation , the experiments were divided into 4 groups , 30 snails in each group , to observe the rate of opening operculum , the rate of climbing adhersion and the rate of death at 3 , 6 and 24 hours respectively .


  17. There were notable differences in six targets ( egg width , egg lid height , the thickness of side wall and end wall , thorn length and width )( P < 0.01 ) . The contact between the operculum and the shell appears to be uneven but not indented .
