ocean vessel

美 [ˈoʊʃn ˈvesl]英 [ˈəʊʃn ˈvesl]
  • 网络远洋船舶;海运船只;船名;船名航次;海轮名;运输工具名称
ocean vesselocean vessel
  1. Another robotic ocean vessel called Saildrone is powered by the wind .


  2. Chart Plotter units is one of the important equipments using in the ocean vessel and the maritime operations .


  3. This is a picture of the Liberty ship , a large World War II ocean going vessel .


  4. He was qualified as second officer for ocean going vessel and worked at seas over two years .


  5. Inshore [ deepsea ] fishery ocean boarding vessel


  6. The seismic survey of high-resolution research vessel is widely used in ocean research vessel 's geological prospecting as an important technique , especially the ship for natural gas hydrate exploitation .


  7. First used in the13th century , this vessel of Arabic origin , is used mainly as an ocean going cargo vessel .


  8. Feeling the bottom Influence of ocean environmental conductivity on vessel underwater electric field


  9. Ocean Shield , a vessel built to operate in Antarctic weather , is expected to arrive in the search area by April 5-leaving teams as little as two days to locate the recorders in depths of some 6500 feet to 13000 feet ( 2000 meters to 4000 meters ) .
