
  • 网络十八烷;正十八烷
  1. The order of the total area of the microemulsion increasing with different kind of hydrocarbon is n cetane ≈ n tetradecane > n dodecane > n decane > n octadecane > octane .


  2. In the extreme dense system of H 2O / Si ≤ 8 0 , the influences of auxiliary alkanes & n hexane , n heptane , I octane and n octadecane to the synthesise of mesoporous molecular sieve MCM 41 have been studied .


  3. Gas chromatography has the properties of good repeatability and high reliability , and is an ideal way to determine octadecane amine .


  4. The dissociated amino acids and KNO3 in the sample amounted to 43.30mg/100g and 3.0 % . Five compounds were isolated and elucidated as octadecane , hexadecylic acid , β - sitosterol , p-coumaric acid and potasium nitrate .


  5. Octadecane has good resolving power for ethylbenzene and p-xylene , but it reverts the elution order of o - and m-xylene and its retarding force for o-xylene is not strong . It has been found that the elution order of solutes varies with the pH value of mobile phase .
