
美 [ˈnuːmərət]英 [ˈnjuːmərət]
  • v.计算
  • adj.识数的;有计算能力的
  • vt.数;列举

过去式: numerated 现在分词: numerating 过去分词: numerated 第三人称单数: numerates




  • 1
    ADJ-GRADED 识数的;有计算能力的
    Someone who is numerate is able to do arithmetic.

    Your children should be literate and numerate.



read out loud as words written numbers
determine the number or amount of
Can you count the books on your shelf?
Count your change
Synonym: count number enumerate


able to understand and use numbers


  1. All students should be numerate and literate when they leave school .


  2. The method to numerate spanning trees of the graph


  3. Your children should be literate and numerate .


  4. We look for applicants who are numerate , computer-literate and energetic self-starters .


  5. Business graduates must also be numerate , because most degrees will have courses in quantitative methods and statistics .


  6. Curtis adds that being highly numerate and having good analytical skills is increasingly important .


  7. To numerate the parameters as wait time and so on , the paper designed algorithm of simulation and flow chart .


  8. The price that just came down except authority commonly you are OK according to numerate of plan of share out bonus .


  9. The method of numerating compensation should draw lessons from farmland price appraising and business insurance calculating for fully counting the value of farmland .


  10. The data acquisition and processing module can numerate the analog signal , processing the sampled digital signal , analyze time and frequency domain feature of the input signal .


  11. The system has its detractors . First , it may not be much use beyond " numerate " subjects such as maths and the sciences ;


  12. We can get new population by genetic algorithm numerating which are selection , crossover and mutation . Then the same process is repeated until algorithm convergences .


  13. Moreover , move the Head to the appointed location by the numerate earmark , it can achieve the purpose of Head Revising .


  14. Evidence from children in numerate societies , but also from Amazonian adults whose language does not contain counting words , has been used to support this claim .


  15. When this seals a letter to numerate from inside the mouth of another child , the parents on the seat choke with sobs one piece .


  16. First , the types of mineral resources plans are numerated according to the relevant regulations of the Provisional Measures on the Management of Mineral Resources Planning promulgated by the Ministry of Land and Resources .


  17. Secondly , this paper builds up the physical model of the gas-solid mixture pipe , on the basis of actual flow and heat transfer in the pipe , uses the particle stochastic trajectory model to numerate .


  18. Based on the interior trajectory calculation model of the launch system , the parameters of missile movement and interior trajectory performance are numerated and analyzed for the influence of gas generator nozzle throat area on launch power .


  19. Where children respect a parent and know that he or she demands good behavior in school , even mediocre or loutish teachers can pull off the trick ④ of producing modestly literate and numerate children .


  20. As jobs on Wall Street wane , the most numerate MBA graduates are finding a welcome home in companies such as Amazon , Facebook , Google and Yahoo , groups for which data analytics are critical .


  21. By his reckoning , the120-member legislature could become functional again if an " ethical bloc " of as few as five " principled and numerate " moderates could get elected , to break the stalemate .


  22. Until three years ago , smart , numerate students took it for granted that one of the fastest ways to become rich and successful was to dive into the world of complex finance , producing structures such as collateralised debt obligations ( CDOs ) .


  23. Traditionally it has attracted " solicitors , actuaries and tax accountants " or what she describes more widely as " bright , numerate , and technically focused people " , but it now tends to place a premium on creative thinking .


  24. The study drastically change charge fashion of traditional numerating water meter of entering door , resolve discrete question of city management to water supply and fussy question of artificial disposal of data , and realize automatic reading meter , charge , creating report forms , and so on .
