
  • n.核质(浆);细菌核


the protoplasm that constitutes the nucleus of a cell
Synonym: karyoplasm


  1. Electron microscopic photographs show well developed thylakoids with phycobilisomes attached and surrounding the nucleoplasm , polygonal body and .


  2. Pomelo fruit without the nucleoplasm and , strong adaptability , high yield , commodity nature is good , is the crown of pomelo .


  3. Having discussed the various special structural regions of the nucleus , there remains the nucleoplasm .


  4. One of the earliest responses of legumes to symbiotic signalling is the oscillation of calcium concentration in the nucleoplasm of root epidermal cells .


  5. The results of these early research work showed that RNA polymerase ⅰ transcription was localized in the nucleoli and RNA polymerase ⅱ and ⅲ in the nucleoplasm .


  6. The volume of apoptosis cell shrunk , the links dissolved that isolate from cells around , and following that , the density of cytoplasm increased and the nucleoplasm to condense .


  7. The immunohistochemistry showed that ERK and JNK had the similar location which the cytoplasm and nucleoplasm were immunostained in the ovogonium and spermatogenous cells .


  8. For RNA level FISH , 22 % of the RNAs were in the nucleoli , 78 % in the nucleoplasm and at the boundary between it and the nucleoli ;


  9. RESULTS : Under light microscope , irregular nucleoplasm and unclear border of nucleus in the ganglion cell layer were found in the experimental groups of 2 h , 12 h and 24 h. These changes were also found in the inner nucleus layer .


  10. For DNA-RNA level FISH , 25 % , 46 % and 29 % of the DNAs or RNAs were in the nucleoli , at the periphery of the nucleoli and in the nucleoplasm , respectively .


  11. The small monomeric G protein Ran has GTPase activity , its bound conformation Ran-GTP might act as a molecular marker that distinguishes the nucleoplasm from the cytoplasm of interphase cells , and plays different roles in nucleocytoplasmic transport , mitotic spindle assembly and nuclear envelope dynamics .
