- n.简约穿搭风;极简穿搭

Normcore is an understated , nondescript style .
The agency described normcore as more of a sociological attitude .
Even those in the fashion industry are readily admitting they see the appeal of normcore .
On social networks like Twitter and Instagram , normcore is the Internet meme of the year .
The latest fashion trend " normcore " isn 't all that fashionable - it celebrates the average and normal .
The concept of normcore is all about the joy of the ordinary , and it has struck a chord with many people .
He 's very normcore . You can see why nobody recognized him , why an international superstar was able to move through the city unseen .
Normcore is about letting go of pretenses and learning to throw yourself into whatever subcultures or activities you stumble into , even if they are mainstream .
Normcore was featured in fashion magazines like GQ and Vogue and was the talk of February and March 's fashion weeks in New York , Paris , Milan and London .
Louis Vuitton trophy luggage , Normcore bibs and France 's on-trend kit : it 's all looking very stylish in Brazil .
But shortly after the release of the report , New York magazine ran a piece that established normcore as a fashion trend , calling it " fashion for those who know they 're one in seven billion . "
Richard Nicoll , a London-based designer and creative director at the casual clothes chain Jack Will , also sang its praises : " Normcore says , ' I have soul and intelligence . I 'm unique and I don 't need to shout about it . " "
Netherlands substitutes in Normcore bibs . Photograph : Jean Catuffe / Getty ImagesThe bibs , lanyards and training kits of most teams are very on trend for the current normcore moment in fashion , where function is suddenly catwalk-worthy and the sweatshirt is something to swoon over .