
美 [ˈnɔrməˌlaɪzɪŋ]英 [ˈnɔːməlaɪzɪŋ]
  • v.(使)正常化;(使)恢复友好状态
  • normalise的现在分词
  1. " Instead of normalising the undesirable behaviour , the message needs to marginalise it , for example , by stating that if even one person buys yet another SUV , it reduces our ability to be energy-independent . "


  2. So is the Chinese market normalising ?


  3. Normalising trade relations with a country about to join the WTO should be a routine administrative matter .


  4. In addition , a growing number of developed countries are feeling confident enough to begin normalising interest rates again .


  5. The structural change of Q235 steel was studied in the action of unsteady pulse electric current after normalising .


  6. This year was meant to be one of friendship for Japan and China , as the two countries celebrated the 40th anniversary of normalising ties .


  7. However , that is expected to change quickly , with the region 's two biggest economies forecast to begin normalising rates in the second quarter , together with South Korea .


  8. The question Washington seems unwilling to confront is for most people rhetorical : would normalising relations most likely help or hinder those in Cuba who want a change of political course ?


  9. The parties to the deal are scheduled to meet in Beijing on Wednesday to discuss the next steps towards dismantling the North Korean nuclear facilities and normalising ties with the US .


  10. Japan , which is in its sixth year of recovery , has now made significant progress in reining in its deficits and normalising monetary policy without disrupting long-term interest rates , he said .


  11. Some analysts see that as a sign that markets are slowly normalising and discounting the " tail risk " of deflation that they had fretted for much of the year .


  12. He said raising interest rates for excess reserves should play a central role in normalising short-term interest rates , while an overnight reverse repo facility could be useful in setting a floor for money market rates .


  13. Washington would be prepared to start normalising relations with Pyongyang before it completed nuclear disarmament , in an attempt to persuade North Korea to move forward on a previous agreement to denuclearise the Korean Peninsula .


  14. With the aftershocks of 2008 still hitting the global economy - and central banks in the US and UK shying away from normalising ultra-accommodative monetary policies - banks , formerly seen as the powerhouses of growth , are under pressure on every side .


  15. The microstructure of Cr Mn Cu white cast iron grinding ball is ledeburite + pearlite + dissipate secondary cementite after 930 ~ 1050 ℃ normalising . The material can be fit for the environment of grinding wear and corrosion wear in grinding coal machine .


  16. Negotiators from both sides of the Taiwan Strait met in the Chinese city of Nanjing over the weekend for formal talks aimed at normalising relations between the two former civil war rivals who , prior to last year , had not held talks for more than a decade .
