
美 [ˈnɔrməˌlaɪzd]英 [ˈnɔːməlaɪzd]
  • v.(使)正常化;(使)恢复友好状态
  • normalise的过去分词和过去式
  1. Brazil normalised its diplomatic relations with South Africa in recognition of the steps taken to end apartheid


  2. Fractal Image Coding Method Based on Normalised Block Cross Trace Terminate Condition


  3. Analysis Maximum Likelihood Estimation of the Frequency Response of Normalised Coprime Factors


  4. The Normalised Load and Application for Pressurized Cylinder with Internal Axial Crack


  5. Her liver function tests normalised within 3 months of minocycline withdrawal .


  6. The last time a country normalised a complex web of interdependencies , it was called Gosplan .


  7. In the US , auto sales are moving back to normalised replacement demand levels , implying slowing growth .


  8. Particularly common in the creative industries , working for free has also partly been normalised by the prevalence of unpaid overtime .


  9. The NBER said the arbitrage had narrowed through 2009 to more normalised levels .


  10. The normalised fittings and nomogram of fundamental dimensions of disc cams with translating roller followers


  11. The danger for the real economy is not that the return to a normalised monetary policy takes place , but it does so too late .


  12. China , South Korea and other governments waived reparations in return for Japanese aid when they normalised relations after the war .


  13. When you want have a loop The Normalised Load for Hollow Cylinder with Inner Hoop Crack and Jet Nozzle with a Corner Crack


  14. Sets a plane using a point that lies within it plus a normal to orient it ( note that the normal must be a normalised vector ) .


  15. But the survey of junior doctors found that errors were normalised , dealt with through teasing , or minimised .


  16. The $ 300bn-odd question remains : what are normalised earnings for banks post-meltdown ?


  17. But the two countries normalised relations in 1991 , as Hanoi realised it could not afford to have tensions with its powerful neighbour .


  18. Critics said that allowing an abortion provider to advertise in this way normalised the procedure , even giving it credibility as a form of contraception .


  19. But the survey of junior doctors found that " errors were normalised , dealt with through teasing , or minimised . "


  20. And , like today 's internet economy , it normalised the false idea that scientific progress could cultivate a cornucopia of free resources with no associated costs or losses of freedom .


  21. Anaphylactic shock was suspected , so IV hydrocortisone and a plasma expander were given ; this normalised BP but had no effect on her other symptoms .


  22. The border between the two nations was only finally demarcated at the very end of2008 , while relations were only normalised in the1990s after the1979 border war .


  23. Euro overnight bank lending rates have " normalised " , while banks have scaled back the amount of money held at the European Central Bank above reserve requirements known as excess liquidity .


  24. Based on the developing background of higher agrotechnical teaching education , the author puts forward his guiding ideology and basic principles of professional construction training goat and Specification requirement of specialities and their normalised names .


  25. Furthermore , the parameters of Rice-K model are estimated by means of moment method in which sample moments and normalised sample moments are used . Also , performance of this kind of parameter estimation is studied .


  26. The price / earnings ratio of the S & P500 , which jumped from about 10 to 15 times over the quarter above its long-term average reflects a return to more normalised earnings .


  27. North Korea started dismantling its facilities at the Yongbyon nuclear complex last November , as part of a deal that would provide the regime with energy assistance and a path to normalised relations with the US .


  28. With valuations on a normalised basis far more attractive than one or two years ago , the present climate for investing in stocks is especially attractive for those whose investment discipline has left them with ample cash .


  29. Inventory levels , which provide a buffer against stock shortages , have now normalised after the crisis-inspired inventory-burn , so gaps of a few weeks are mostly tolerable .


  30. The growing cyber-industrial complex has normalised this further , with cross-subsidisation models that gouge wealthier customer segments for the benefit of non-paying ones referred to euphemistically as ecosystems .
