
  • n.不分离,(数理逻辑)“或非”


meiosis in which there is a failure of paired homologous chromosomes to separate;results in an abnormal number of chromosomes in the daughter cells


  1. For wall reactors , higher heat efficiency attributes to nondisjunction of reaction and heat transfer zone .


  2. Nondisjunction of chromosome 21 is much more frequent than loss in vivo and in vitro .


  3. Study on meiotic nondisjunction in Leymus chinensis phenomenon


  4. Diagnosis of Common Trisomies and Identification of Parental Origins of Extra Chromosomes and Stages of Nondisjunction by STR-PCR Analysis


  5. This Ha-ras allele loss may have resulted from a mitotic nondisjunction or a mitotic recombination event .


  6. Conclusion Both nondisjunction , balanced and unbalanced predivision of chromatids are involved in the oocyte aneuploidy formation .


  7. The variations of CKC may be the main reason for the chromosomal nondisjunction during meiosis that is attributed to the adverse pregnancy .


  8. In aneuploidy detection test TNT did not induce X and Y chromosomal nondisjunction , but induced the loss of X or Y chromosome with a good dose-response relationship .


  9. Conclusion : The twin girls originate from dizygotic and the extra chromosome 21 of the elder sister is from nondisjunction during the first meiotic division of the mother .


  10. Aneuploidy The condition , resulting from nondisjunction of homologous chromosomes at meiosis , in which one or more chromosomes are missing from or added to the normal somatic chromosome number .


  11. Conclusion : The parental origin of the extra chromosome 21 can be detected in most Down syndrome using these three loci , and this experiment is helpful to illustrate the mechanism of chromosome nondisjunction .


  12. Maternal nondisjunction was demonstrated in 14 cases , ten cases were due to nondisjunction in the first meiotic division and 4 cases were caused by nondisjunction during the second meiotic division .


  13. Objective : To study the variation of X chromosome centromeric Alpha Satellite DNA in Klinefelter 's syndrome patients , their parents and normal individuals and to discuss the mechanism of Klinefelter 's syndrome X chromosome nondisjunction .


  14. STR-PCR technique was used to amplify 4 loci on chromosome 21 , 3 loci on chromosome 18 and 3 loci on chromosome 13 to diagnose those chromosomal trisomies as well as the parental origins of the extra chromosomes and the stages of nondisjunction .
