non-agricultural industry

美 [ˈnoʊn ˌæɡrɪˈkʌltʃərəl ˈɪndəstri]英 [ˈnəʊn ˌæɡrɪˈkʌltʃərəl ˈɪndəstri]
  • 非农业工业
non-agricultural industrynon-agricultural industry
  1. The Relationship of the Non-agricultural Industry and the Urbanization under the Industrialization Strategy


  2. Analysis on Turning the Rural Women into Non-agricultural Industry from the Social Gender Point of View


  3. A Historical Study of the Factors Hindering the Development of Non-agricultural Industry in the Minority Regions


  4. Increasing Farmers ' Income by Shifting Rural Surplus Labour from Agricultural into Non-agricultural Industry


  5. However , these series of policies take obvious effects on promoting farmers employed in non-agricultural industry in rural area .


  6. The labor transferring from agriculture to non-agricultural industry usually can narrow the income gap between the rural and the urban .


  7. In addition , the rapid development of the non-agricultural industry as well as labor-intensive industries produced a heavy demand on labors .


  8. In this course , the most crucial one is to let agricultural surplus labor in the countryside shift to non-agricultural industry and cities .


  9. In construction of economy , adjusting crop structure , developing large-scale breeding and developing processing and non-agricultural industry to increase the economic income in the peasants .


  10. An Empirical Analysis of the Unequilibrium Distribution of Employment Population and Non-agricultural Industry : The Time-space and Function Characters of Economic Development in Metropolitan Shanghai


  11. Therefore , if there are some difficulties to reform census registration system , our policy should firstly pay more attention to promote non-agricultural industry in rural area .


  12. Since the opening and reforming policy is adopted , the development of the rural industry is very helpful to transfer the surplus agriculture labor to non-agricultural industry .


  13. More than ten years continuously explored and practiced , the methods we commonly approve conclude restructuring agriculture , developing non-agricultural industry and reducing the countryside population .


  14. The basic way out of transferring surplus rural labor lies in , promoting the surplus rural labor to shift to the non-agricultural industry and accelerating the process of urbanization .


  15. And the off-farm income of farmers in Nanjing is positively relative to the farmers ' education , the rural labor emigration and the development of non-agricultural industry .


  16. Those urban-rural dual industrial policies , lead to that rural non-agricultural industry lagged behind , weak economic growth of agriculture , and the gap between rural and urban economic development is increasingly widening .


  17. Rural labor migration is closed related with rural education . One of the ultimate cause that rural labor can migrate to the non-agricultural industry and to cities and towns is the development of rural education .


  18. New Generation of migrant workers refer to the agricultural household population who were born in the 1980s later , more than 16 years of age , and employed in non-agricultural industry in cities .


  19. The measure of moderating the pressure is to improve the construction of cities , develop informal sector and non-agricultural industry , consolidate fundamental installment , further education , switch passive employment to active employment .


  20. It is a subject coming up in the country modernization and an overall well off society process of how to promote such a big army of free labor transferred to the non-agricultural industry and entering the city .


  21. It is an important characteristic in transformation period of present society of our country that the rural labor turns from agriculture to the non-agricultural industry , turns from the countryside to the city as the factor of production .


  22. An important method to increase the income of the peasants is to transfer surplus agriculture labor to non-agricultural industry . And it is also very important to adjust the agriculture structure so that higher value-added agricultural products can be supplied .


  23. The development of non-agricultural industry is the basis of the structure adjustment of rural industry and rural labor employment . Only in this way non-agricultural employment opportunity could be generated and the proportion and quantity of labor in agriculture reduced .


  24. It is a common rule of world economic development that surplus human resources in countryside transfer to non-agricultural industry . It is the central link of countries around world to solve the problems of peasants and to realize industrialization and urbanization .


  25. Embarking to speed up the surplus labor force transfer of countryside , this article point out the surplus labor force transfer of countryside to the non-agricultural industry has brought historical development opportunity for the vocational education in impoverished countryside areas .


  26. The assembly of township enterprises is an important approach to improve the development of villages and towns ' economy and the transfer from traditional agriculture to modern non-agricultural industry , and it 's the inner requirement of the development of the enterprise itself .


  27. To improve the transfer of farmland , we should take a series of measures including transformation of government functions , accelerating the development of non-agricultural industry and the transfer of surplus labor , and improving public services and the management efficiency of farmland .


  28. So , realize the transformation to the non-agricultural industry of a large number of surplus rural labor forces , it is various countries that solve the problem that " three agricultural ", realize the key links of the industrialization and urbanization smoothly .


  29. For community characteristics , community non-agricultural industry development and transfer networks have an important impact on rural female labor flow and transfer and it is proportional to the level of non-agricultural industry development and inversely proportional to the level of community transfer networks .


  30. Rural labor force to non-agricultural industry successfully transfer , is " three rural " issue of core and important way , is to promote industrialization and urbanization process is coordinated economic and social development of the necessary requirements , is an important symbol of social progress .
