
美 [ˈnoʊ mænz lænd]英 [ˈnəʊ mænz lænd]
  • n.(两军之间的)无人地带;(边境的)无人区域


U sing.(边境的)无人区域;(两军之间的)无人地带
an area of land between the borders of two countries or between two armies, that is not controlled by either

  1. We and the Germans trudged through the mud and met in the middle of no-man 's-land .


  2. The soldiers put down their guns and went into no-man 's-land to exchange gifts , sing songs , and yes , play football .


  3. Kucherena said the paperwork is not yet ready and that Snowden will remain in the no-man 's-land of the airport transit area for the time-being .


  4. Once the central hub of Berlin , before it was turned into a rubble-strewn no-man 's-land divided by the Wall , it is now surrounded by shiny new towers .


  5. Volvo has long been the nearly man of the premium carmakers , caught in price in the no-man 's-land between mass-market and luxury manufacturers and selling only about a quarter of the number of cars as the Germans .
