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  • 网络全国民主联盟;缅甸全国民主联盟;民盟;荷兰;国家民主联盟
  1. The NLD won a landslide victory in the elections five months ago .


  2. Objective : To study the right hemisphere function state of NLD children .


  3. It might even lead to talks about the NLD 's joining the political process .


  4. Gas chromatographic analysis of NLD series of NLD series of flame retardants


  5. Conclusion : Compared with normal children , the function of NLD children 's right hemisphere is relatively weaker .


  6. R & D of NLD - 6 Current Linker


  7. Despite the early celebration from NLD supporters , there were allegations of voting irregularities .


  8. The NLD walked out of the 14-year-long national convention in 1995 because of restrictive rules and was later expelled altogether .


  9. The NLD Lab-Institute programs were specifically exempted from the above prohibition .


  10. The NLD lodged an appeal to the Supreme Court to protect the party 's legal status , but it was turned down in November .


  11. The military government Thursday accused the NLD of taking directives from unnamed foreign embassies which it claimed were trying to destabilize the country .


  12. Questionnaires were adopted to explore the social problems among children with learning disabilities . The result reveals that LD children have significantly lower friendship quality and orientation , higher loneliness than NLD children .


  13. Meanwhile , Burma 's state-run media used the term " former political party " in describing the NLD when reporting on the recent visit by US diplomat Kurt Campbell .


  14. Conclusion NLD can lower the expression of APP mRNA to reduce β - amyloid protein deposition of rat hippocampus , which may be one of the mechanisms of improving the learning and memory capacity of AD model rats .


  15. A few members of the NLD have been asked to travel to Naypyidaw , the country 's capital , while Webb is there , but it is not clear if they are to meet with the senator .


  16. More attentions have been paid to the issue of learning disabilities . There have been a great deal of the research findings of NLD in the concept of nonverbal learning disabilities ( NLD ), the diagnosis standards and screening , neuropsychology , cognition , sociality and instructional intervention .
