
美 [ˈnɜːrvɪŋ]英 [ˈnɜːvɪŋ]
  • v.鼓足勇气;振作精神
  • n.神经切除
  • nerve的现在分词



  • 1
    N-COUNT 神经
    Nerves are long thin fibres that transmit messages between your brain and other parts of your body.

    ...spinal nerves.


  • 2
    N-PLURAL 承受力;意志力
    If you refer to someone's nerves, you mean their ability to cope with problems such as stress, worry, and danger.

    Jill's nerves are stretched to breaking point...


  • 3
    N-PLURAL 神经紧张;情绪不安
    You can refer to someone's feelings of anxiety or tension as nerves .

    I just played badly. It wasn't nerves.


  • 4
    N-UNCOUNT 勇气;胆量;气魄
    Nerve is the courage that you need in order to do something difficult or dangerous.

    The brandy made him choke, but it restored his nerve...


  • 5
    VERB 使鼓起勇气;使振作精神
    If you nerve yourself to do something difficult or frightening, you prepare yourself for it by trying to be brave.

    I nerved myself to face the pain.


  • 6
    PHRASE 使…烦恼;使…心烦
    If someone or something gets on your nerves, they annoy or irritate you.

    Lately he's not done a bloody thing and it's getting on my nerves.


  • 7
    PHRASE 胆敢;竟敢;厚颜
    If you say that someone has a nerve or has the nerve to do something, you are criticizing them for doing something which you feel they had no right to do.

    They've got a nerve, complaining about our behaviour...


  • 8
    PHRASE 保持镇静;坚定不移
    If you hold your nerve or keep your nerve, you remain calm and determined in a difficult situation.

    He held his nerve to beat Andre Agassi in a five-set thriller on Court One...


  • 9
    PHRASE 紧张不安地度日;神经紧张
    If someone is living on their nerves, they are continually worried and anxious about the situation that they are in.

    Eileen, mother of three, had been living on her nerves for some considerable time.


  • 10
    PHRASE 失去勇气;变得胆怯;惊慌失措
    If you lose your nerve, you suddenly panic and become too afraid to do something that you were about to do.

    The bomber had lost his nerve and fled.


  • 11
    PHRASE 触及痛处;触及要害
    If you say that you have touched a nerve or touched a raw nerve, you mean that you have accidentally upset someone by talking about something that they feel strongly about or are very sensitive about.

    Alistair saw Henry shrink, as if the words had touched a nerve...


  1. Nerving thy heart and trembling hand to do .


  2. She drank some water nerving herself for a more terrible ordeal .
