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  1. The Government has a target to reduce the proportion of young Neets to7.6 per cent by next year .


  2. The development of freeters and NEETs in Japan shows that the system of lifetime employment has disintegrated in the face of economic pressures together with globalization , where individuals are expected to innovate and communicate across cultures , and where a defined employee role may not exist .


  3. The growing number of NEETs will bring risks and dangers to social development and progress . The formation of NEET is a significant loss of human capital investment to their families and our nation .


  4. In Japan , NEETs are those who have rejected the accepted social model of adulthood in seeking full-time employment after graduation or further training through the governmental Hello Work schemes to obtain marketable job skills .


  5. NEETs , hikikomori or freeters may belong to a proportion of the younger generation who are unwilling to or incapable of putting up with the values imposed upon them by older generations and totalitarian society .
