ncbi blast

ncbi blastncbi blast
  1. After NCBI blast , no homologous protein was found .


  2. The primers were designed by Primer 5.0 software and their specificity was tested by NCBI Blast 2.0 software .


  3. This nucleotide sequence of the monellin gene was analyzed using NCBI Blast , the result showed that this is a new gene .


  4. Sequence informations of some fragments were obtained by NCBI Blast , and then we predicted the functions of these fragments .


  5. NCBI BLAST was created by a group of researchers working for the National Institutes of Health , a division of the United States Department of Health and Human Services .


  6. At both ends of the gene cluster , putative transcriptional regulators in the species of P. putida were found by NCBI BLAST program .


  7. It was claimed that for a single computer this analysis would have taken six years , but NCBI BLAST on Windows Azure completed the calculations in merely a week .


  8. Recombinant was screened and sequenced and analyzed by NCBI / BLAST .


  9. Using Type ⅲ secretion system related proteins in Yersinia pestis as models to search for their counterparts in Leptospira interrogans serovar lai with the tools of NCBI / Blast .
