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  • 网络纳伊米
  1. Unlike Mr Naimi , he is part of the inner circle of Prince Mohammed .


  2. Mr Naimi stressed that Riyadh had the ability to remedy any shortage of supply .


  3. However , Mr Naimi reiterated that for the time being the oil market was well supplied .


  4. The rebound since January - oil has gained about 50 per cent from its $ 30 low - has been a small consolation for Mr Naimi .


  5. They hope the former , septuagenarian Saudi Oil Minister Ali Naimi , is right in saying there has been'a fundamental change'in the oil market .


  6. The departure of Mr Naimi from the Saudi oil scene marks the end of an era , for the oil market as well as for Saudi Arabia .


  7. Ali Naimi , Saudi oil minister , recently said the kingdom was leasing new storage in Okinawa , Japan , from which to ship oil to the booming Asian market .


  8. In a sign of the deepening crisis , Ali naimi , Saudi oil minister , said the OPEC oil cartel stood ready to boost production to offset any loss from libya .


  9. And Mr Naimi was seen to have consented to a freeze even if Iran - Saudi Arabia 's arch-foe - insisted on raising its own output .


  10. While Mr Naimi had a relationship of trust and a large degree of independence under the late King Abdullah , in the past year his ministry had come under the purview of a council chaired by Prince Mohammed .


  11. Although the Saudi statement replacing Mr Naimi with Khalid al-Falih was silent on the circumstances of the change , the departing oil minister had been hoping for some time to go into retirement but had been held back by King Salman .


  12. The clearest precedent for Mr Naimi 's strategy of turning on the taps is the policy adopted by Sheikh Ahmed Zaki Yamani , his famous predecessor , who boosted production in 1985-86 after cutting back over the previous half-decade to support prices .


  13. But while acknowledging that Saudi Arabia would one day stop using oil , gas and coal , Mr Naimi said calls to leave the bulk of the world 's known fossil fuels in the ground to avoid risky levels of climate change needed to be put " in the back of our heads for a while . "
