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  1. Cuban President Castro Meets with Former US Presidential Candidate Nader


  2. Mr Nader won 0.38 % of the popular vote in the 2004 presidential election .


  3. Nader is running again this year , this time as an independent .


  4. Besides strengthening self-development , Nader is trying to build up the social role of Chinese excellent corporation .


  5. There had been many significant consumer crusades before Nader .


  6. Nader Al-Khateeb , the Palestinian director of the group , says the Jordan has lost sources .


  7. Nader wrote a letter to the Japanese prime minister and held a press conference in Tokyo .


  8. One of the students with Ralph Nader exposed the government 's lax oversightof the food industry .


  9. Xian Fu Nader Electrical Equipment Co. , Ltd. , is a rapid economic development follow the birth of the specialized companies .


  10. I was mad because you wasted your vote on Ralph Nader .


  11. Nader is a US consumer advocate . So far , there has been no news released yet about the subject of their conversation .


  12. The banquet on the7th is one of the two meetings Castro and Nader are scheduled to have this week .


  13. Nader is the second US politician to visit Cuba since May this year when Former President Carter made his much publicized trip to Cuba .


  14. This insight , namely that blame often lies not with consumers but rather with manufacturers unresponsive to safety data , would become a recurring theme in Nader 's many later investigations .


  15. And if Harvard abolishes tuition for undergrads , Mr. Nader said , " It will ricochet across the Ivy League . "


  16. Mr. Nader , who got his law degree from Harvard , said the admissions system has been " bollixed up for decades " by legacies and other preferences .


  17. This summer , Karim Nader , a neuroscientist at McGill University in Canada , hopes to test the drug in about 50 patients suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder .


  18. My dear friends , let 's work closely together and build a brighter future in the new century for China-EU trade and economic cooperation . The struggle that Ralph Nader started is still going on today .


  19. Ralph Nader dubbed the Corvair " the one-car accident " because its swing axle suspension had a tendency to tuck under , causing the driver to lose control .


  20. Yar Gul Nader Safi is pessimistic .


  21. But apart from such occasional expos é s and sporadic movements for reform , consumers as a group did not exert a significant , ongoing force in the conduct of public affairs until Ralph Nader came along .


  22. Nader brought a damage action for fraudulent misrepresentation , claiming that the airline had deceptively failed to disclose that it might " overbook " its flights and deny boarding to passengers with confirmed reservations .


  23. But , he adds , imagine America had had ranked choice in2000 , when neither George Bush junior nor Al Gore won a majority ; the second choices of Ralph Nader 's supporters would have picked the winner .


  24. Although the campaign , " Free Harvard , Fair Harvard , " includes one left-leaning member - the consumer advocate Ralph Nader - Mr. Unz and the other three candidates have written or testified extensively against affirmative action , opposing race-based admissions .


  25. Most people think that to speak at Yale 's commencement , you have to be President.But over the years , the specifications have become far more demanding.Now you have to be a Yale graduate , you have to be President , and you have had to have lost the Yale vote to Ralph Nader .
