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  1. ConclusionThe lung cancer associated antigen N35 might be an important tumor associated antigen and related with the proliferation of cancer cells as a role of tumor cell growth regulator .


  2. Objective To purify lung cancer-associated antigen N35 ( N35Ag ) by immunoaffinity chromatography using our self-prepared monoclonal antibody N-35 ( raAb N-35 ) .


  3. Vertical motion of the blocks in the whole Study Area was shown in the uplifting of the north side relative to the lowering of the south side . The maximum tilting was registered at approximately N35 ° E.


  4. With the strike in N35 ° - 40 ° W , Jiayuguan fault is more than 10 km in depth and about 38 km in length , and its fault plane is nearly vertical .
