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  • 网络单不饱和脂肪酸;单元不饱和脂肪酸;不饱和脂肪酸;单元不饱和脂肪;油酸属单不饱和脂肪酸
  1. In Glyceride , the content of SFA is high , MUFA is primary in USFA ;


  2. You can find MUFA 's in oils like olive oil , nuts and seeds , avocados , olives and dark chocolate .


  3. SFA , MUFA and PUFA of phospholipids had no significant change ;


  4. Some multi-unsaturated fatty acid ( MUFA ) can regulate the synthesis of reducing substance by increase the oxidative stress .


  5. Monounsaturated fatty acid ( MUFA ) is a sort of fatty acids , including a double bond in its carbon chain .


  6. Serum HDL C / TC ratio was positively correlated with monounsaturated fatty acid ( MUFA ) intake , and negatively correlated with BMI and SFA .


  7. Objective : To observe the effects of compound cooking oil with different fatty acid compositions ( SFA ∶ MUFA ∶ PUFA ) on plasma lipoproteins of hyperlipoproteinemia patients .


  8. The results indicated that the lipids were composed of 25 fatty acids among which the main component MUFA was 61.209 % in which 24:1n9 was the highest one with 51.220 % .


  9. The SFA in skins was significantly higher in normal individuals than that in the albinos ( P < 0.01 ) . No significant difference was found in PUFA and MUFA in skin between the two groups .


  10. Fifteen fatty acids were found , in which there were 5 saturated fatty acids ( SFA ), 4 monounsaturated fatty acids ( MUFA ), and 6 polyunsaturated fatty acids ( PUFA ) .


  11. In FFA , the content of SFA is increasing continually , the content of USFA is decreasing continually , for PUFA is easier oxidation than MUFA , the change of PUFA is more obvious .


  12. The ratio of SFA , MUFA and PUFA in peanut oil is more rational than that of olive oil , and it is closer to 1 ∶ 1 ∶ 1 ( the international acknowledged meal fatty acid energy supply standard ) .


  13. After cultured twice for the seawater Chlorella spp . , the MUFA concentration of the yeast group decreases markedly , PUFA increases correspondingly , EPA increases from 2.7 % to 9.7 % , and there is no change in DHA .


  14. The proportion of the contents of fatty acid composition : saturated fatty acid ( SFA ), monounsaturated fatty acid ( MUFA ), polyunsaturated fatty acid ( PUFA ) is not correspond to the proportion ( 1 ∶ 1 ∶ 1 ) which is recommended by the Health Organization .


  15. The results showed that when the fat mass in the diet was kept at normal level ( 7.84g/ 100g ), the n-6 / n-3 PUFA ratio which could maintain relatively lower serum lipids level was 1-5:1 when the SFA : MUFA : PUFA ratio was 1 : 1.7:1.2 ;


  16. Further analysis indicated that MUFA , n-6 PUFA intake and ratio of n-6 / n-3 could significantly influence the incidence of breast cancer . While the MUFA , n-6 PUFA intake and ratio of n-6 / n-3 had significant correlation with breast benign disease only in the postmenopausal women .
