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  • abbr.弹药库鱼雷发射系统(Magazine Torpedo Launch System);活动目标定位系统(Moving Target Location System);弹药运输(或运输机)与装卸系统(Munitions Transferand Loading System)
  1. Based on multi-conductor transmission lines ( MTLs ) theory , a new model of partial discharge pulse propagating in single phase transformer is established .


  2. Multi - task graph is proposed since the single task graph is not enough to describe the multi-processors system , and MTLS algorithm is proposed to evaluate the performance of the partition .


  3. The iterative formulas of the FDTD method to solve the uniform MTLs model without frequency-dependent parameters are given and extended to solve more complicated model when the incident wave is uniform plane wave .


  4. In chapter three , the author introduces the theory of multi-conductor transmission lines ( MTLs ) and finite-difference time-domain ( FDTD ) method , and establishes MTLs simulating model using the distributing parameters , which is simulated by way of FDTD .
