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  • 网络毫拉德;兆拉德;毫弧度;发散角;光束发散角
  1. No obvious differences were found between two groups with 2.5 Mrad irradiation .


  2. Mrad and the stability of output power is ± 2 % .


  3. The far field divergence angle is < 1 mrad .


  4. The use of the sugar solution as Mrad level y-rays dosimeter


  5. The divergence angle of the collimated beam could be as small as 0.1 mrad .


  6. The minimum angular resolution of this system is 0.46 mrad , which is less than that of human eyes .


  7. The gelation dose of FPI obtained by XPS method is 50 Mrad .


  8. The angular resolution of this eyepiece is 0.44 mrad and less than that of human eyes .


  9. Far field divergence angle is smaller than 3.5 mrad and electro optic conversion efficiency is lager than 12.5 % .


  10. The far field pattern has 3 lobes , and the divergence of each lobe is about 10 mrad .


  11. Results : The output power of such a laser oscillator was 24 w , the divergence of out beam was improved to 0.4 mrad .


  12. For the large divergence angle of the laser output , a collimator has been designed and received the alignment result of 1 mrad .


  13. The leakage current of the films have decreased greatly after radiation with the total dose of 100 Mrad ( Si ) for the increase of resistance .


  14. The dose of gelation of poly - ( vinylidene fluoride ) obtained by XPS is 1.59 mrad .


  15. A TV mode 2 D scanner is designed . Its scanning range is ± 12.5 °×(± 10 °) and spot size is about 1 mrad .


  16. After optimization of the parameters was achieved , the normalized transverse emittance is 1.39 π mm · mrad at the gun exit .


  17. Surface profile measurement of Copper and Magnesium after diamond cutting shows normalized RMS thermal emittance due to surface roughness is about 0.4mm · mrad .


  18. As the misalignment angle of the concave mirror is 0.4 mrad , the displacement of the near-field laser spot figures is 14 mm .


  19. First , far-field divergence angle of GY-10 He-Ne laser is measured to be 1.15 mrad by measuring far-field spot size in the distance .


  20. The frequency tuning range is 4.1 ~ 4.5 μ m. The beam divergence is 12 mrad in vertical direction and 4 mrad in horizontal direction .


  21. Meanwhile the reflectivity of system reached 81.03 % , the ratio of expanded beam is 1:12.04 , the space migration of laser emission axis and CCD camera axis is 0.31 mrad .


  22. The result for the angle of diffraction in the distance 20km with the accumulating diffractive analysis is 2 × 10 - 4 mrad far below 2 mrad .


  23. Comparing to original cavity , the output energy increase about 40 percent , the width of output pulse decrease about 10 ns , the divergence angle decrease 0.1 mrad under the same conditions .


  24. The output them has near diffraction limited divergence of 0 . 192 mrad ( full angle ) and has output energy as high as 92 % of that of the conventional unstable resonator .


  25. The far field divergence angle of 593 nm is less than 1 mrad and the ellipticity of the output beam is 0.999 . Low-noise characteristic has been proved at the same time .


  26. Besides , the pulse width of the beam was detected to be 160 μ s , the line width was less than 0.8 nm , and the beam divergence angle was 16 mrad .


  27. The laser oscillation of the emission at 486 nm was observed with a flat-concave stable resonator . The maximum laser power measured was 130 μ W and the divergent angle was 28 mrad .


  28. When the repetition rate varied from 1 to 30 Hz , the far field divergence varied from 0.6 to 0.9 mrad , and the corresponding M 2 is in the range of 1.1 ~ 1.6 .


  29. An output pulse energy of 40 mJ , repetition rate of 20 Hz at 1.57 μ m with the beam divergence of 4 mrad was obtained in an OPO by using VRM unstable resonator .


  30. We have investigated these properties of sugar solution for determining Mrad level y-rays dose from 5 × 105 to 107 rad , Results show that any of these parameters can be used for determining the dose deposited in the sugar solution .
