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  • 网络最易穿透粒径;最易透过粒径;网络吞吐量;吞吐率;包转发率
  1. The Comparative Analysis of Estimating Deviation Square of MPPS Sample Design


  2. Interconnection networks have become a key factor to improve the performance of MPPs .


  3. A Method to Implement Job Parallelism on MPPs with the SPMD-Like Model


  4. The final goal to run parallel programs on MPPs often is to cost less time or / and to admit larger computation scales of the parallel applications .


  5. The MPPS of initial products is about 160 nm , while the most penetrating particle size of second-generation products is about 50 nm .


  6. The study accumulates a lot of experimental data and theoretical research experiences for introducing MPPS test method into the China filter media industry . It will promote the development of air cleaning industries .


  7. Study on Performance of HEPA ﹠ ULPA Filter Media Based on the MPPS Method ; The result gave the optimal filter particle diameter , layer thickness and filtration velocity .


  8. ( In clusters , also known as massively parallel processors ( MPPs ), they don 't share the same memory ; we will look at this in more detail . )


  9. Secondly , three key techniques in RIS : Comunication mechanism in RIS , the MWL / MPPS service and one better model - Compatibility for non-DICOM modality are discussed .


  10. General mathematical model of MPPS is proposed firstly , and then five kinds of classification definition are given according to the coupled equations of the model . These classifications are used to study ten kinds of coupling relation afterwards .
