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  • abbr.莫斯;军事组织效用系统(Military Organization Utilization System)
  1. We should make full use of the Mous of beach land .


  2. MOUs are the main way to resolve the cases of cross-border bank insolvency .


  3. Amy drew the most beautiful pictures and wanted to be a fa mous painter one day .


  4. Before this time period began , Silk production , for which China is fa ¬ mous , had already been invented .


  5. Electronic Microscopic Observation of Membrane Surface Proteoglycan of Mous Ehrlich Ascites Tumors Induced by Dimethyl Formamide


  6. The survey of 2000 people by fashion technology firm Mous , suggests almost half of our biggest irritations are technology-related .


  7. CONCLUSION The results suggest that the main way of the occurrence of laryngeal squa - mous cell carcinoma is the telomerase dependent pathway .


  8. As we were chidren , my mather is the mous beautiful on eyes ;


  9. There has been a lot of effort , a lot of MOUs [ memoranda of understanding ] , and a lot of failures that people do not know about .


  10. The hkmas contacts with two other overseas supervisors-the Bank of England and the New York State banking department-were also formalized by the signing of mous .


  11. Cyclopentadecanone ( CP ) 900mg / kg ig inhibited considerably the swelling of mous - es ear induced by xylene .


  12. With an investment of 100 million US dollars , the project is to implement one of the MOUs signed between China and South Africa at the Forum of China Africa Cooperation held in Johannesburg in 2015 .


  13. The independent and dependent predictions show that the long-range predic-tion method by use of the sea-air thermal teleconnection is applicable and has an enor - mous potential in its use .


  14. China has signed MOUs of cooperation on the joint development of the Belt and Road with some countries , and on regional cooperation and border cooperation and mid-and long-term development plans for economic and trade cooperation with some neighboring countries .


  15. Every year from July7th-14th thousands pack into Pamplona to start Spain 's most fa ­ mous bull-running fiesta to honour Navarre capital 's patron saint , San Fermin .


  16. The War at Red Cliff and Cao Kui 's Prose Works on Ware , two historical prose writings fa - mous for their descriptions of wars , bear a lot of similarities while each maintains its individual style .
