mother figure

美 [ˈmʌðər fɪɡjər]英 [ˈmʌðə fɪɡə(r)]
  • n.(能向其讨教、寻求支持或帮助等的)慈母般的人

复数: mother figures

mother figuremother figure


an older woman that you go to for advice, support, help, etc., as you would to a mother

see also father figure

mother figure


  • 1
    N-COUNT 母亲般的人(能像母亲一样给予帮助、建议或支持的人)
    If you regard someone as a mother figure, you think of them as having the role of a mother and being the person you can turn to for help, advice, or support.


a woman who evokes the feelings usually reserved for a mother


  1. Sometimes young lads just need to turn to a mother figure for a bit of a chat and reassurance .


  2. It was similar to having a mother figure -- but she was also our strength and conditioning coach .


  3. It 's a woman a mother figure , I think .


  4. This dual power is easily found in Gertrude Morel , a mother figure in Sons and Lovers .


  5. Another theory is that anorexia is related to refusal of the mother figure or of being the daughter of an overly protective and controlling mother .


  6. Miraculous Maternity , Catastrophic Destiny & analysis of Ursula Wifehood , Motherhood and Selfhood The mother figure develops from fragmentary to whole , and the description of maternal instinct grows from tactics to solicitude .


  7. In a country where it is normal for unmarried men to live with their parents into their 30s and " mamma mia ! " ( my mommy ) is a common exclamation ( 9 ) , the Italian mother figure is revered ( 10 ) by society but often feared by girlfriends and wives .


  8. Is a winter , wind chills still river my mother and I figure always be seen


  9. They were raised , most likely , by a consistently caring and responsive mother or parental figure .


  10. They were raised , most likely , by a consistently caring and responsive mother or parental figure . The other 45 % has a sometimes problematic attachment style , meaning they are anxious , avoidant or a combination , Dr. Shorey says .


  11. my mother was trying to figure out
