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美 [ˈmɔːrtɪs]英 [ˈmɔːtɪs]
  • 网络尸斑;莫蒂斯
  1. Rigor mortis usually sets in between two and four hours after death .


  2. Free Ca2 + plays an important role during the process of meat rigor mortis .


  3. It 's better to move and get things done than to let organizational rigor mortis set in .


  4. Her last will and testament , or rather her mortis causa settlement


  5. Early rigor mortis and rapid autolysis indicate the need for prompt necropsy examinations .


  6. Seasonal variations in rigor mortis of cultured freshwater fish


  7. He asked the cramped hand that was almost as stiff as rigor mortis .


  8. Pretend as if rigor mortis has set in .


  9. I am susceptible to spells of consumer rigor mortis .


  10. That ( plus other things such as election rigging ) has left Belarus 's application with rigor mortis .


  11. Rigidity is a sign of rigor mortis .


  12. How do you feel , hand ? He asked the cramped hand that was almost as stiff as rigor mortis .


  13. The stiffness referred to as rigor mortis sets in three to six hours after death , and lasts for between 24 and 48 hours .


  14. Rigor mortis , pallor , rot & these too can be sources of exquisite sensation .


  15. Results The length of sarcomere of rigor mortis without destory is obviously shorter than that of restiffening .


  16. Trigger Mortis was released on September 8 , ahead of the release of the latest Bond film Spectre which is out in cinemas on October 26 .


  17. So although " Trigger Mortis " begins two weeks after the end of " Goldfinger , " its protagonist isn 't - could never be - the same Bond .


  18. The basic biochemical process for the formation of rigor mortis is the same as that of muscle contraction except that the former happens postmortem and the latter antemortem .


  19. Author Anthony Horowitz has revealed the new book Trigger Mortis has been amended for modern readers and contains anti-smoking messages and for the first time an ' outspoken " gay friend .


  20. Now , don 't forget , it 's Locomotor Mortis , Hermione muttered as Ron slipped his wand up his sleeve .


  21. " How do you feel , hand ?" he asked the cramped hand that was almost as stiff as rigor mortis . " I 'll eat some more for you . "


  22. In " Trigger Mortis : A James Bond Novel , " however , Bond ventures somewhere Ian Fleming , or the movie producer Albert Broccoli , would never go : back , into the past .


  23. Conclusion The length of sarcomere is negatively correlative to the intensity of rigor mortis . Measuring the length of sarcomere can determine the intensity of rigor mortis and provide evidence for estimation of time since death .


  24. A wholesale renegotiation of the covenant between limited partners ( the investors ) and general partners ( the managers ) , on both existing and future funds , needs to take place or paralysis may turn into rigor mortis for some of the existing players .


  25. Now , the genre is getting a kick-start from singer-actor Juno Mak , who makes his directorial debut with ' Rigor Mortis . ' The movie opened in Hong Kong and Malaysia on Thursday , and will soon be released elsewhere in Asia .
