首页 / 词典 / good


  • 网络森永
  1. " Men are turning into women ," lamented critic Mr Morinaga .


  2. Morinaga suggests doubling the income tax on good-looking guys while reducing the tax rate for homely guys by 10-20 percent .


  3. Measures that make it easier for people to have and raise children - such as increasing maternity and paternity leave - are aimed at people who already have kids , and Morinaga doesn 't think they will do anything to raise the birthrate .


  4. This is Pizza Hut 's contribution to the global pizza insanity landscape , and it is only available in Japan . This is the Morinaga Milk Caramel and Marshmallow pizza , available only through June in Japanese Pizza Huts in celebration of Morinaga Caramel 's 100th Anniversary .


  5. Takuro Morinaga , an economic analyst , weighed in with this controversial proposal : " If we levied a ' handsome tax ' on good-looking guys , that would serve to correct a little bit of the unfairness in dating , making it easier for homely guys to find a partner and the number of marriages would increase . "
