more unfortunately

美 [mɔːr ʌnˈfɔːrtʃənətli]英 [mɔː(r) ʌnˈfɔːtʃənətli]
  • adv.不幸地;遗憾地;可惜地;可悲地
  • unfortunately的比较级
more unfortunatelymore unfortunately
  1. Even more unfortunately , this injury is often overlooked .


  2. Even more unfortunately , writers found it difficult to understand that failure of translators to reciprocate was in part due to their unfamiliarity with the unwritten rules of gift-exchange .


  3. Can we break the cycle ? Is it as simple as turning off the TV an hour earlier and having more sex ? Unfortunately , it 's not always so simple .


  4. Waterfall is often touted as being more predictable , but unfortunately the prospect of achieving the predicted result often fails to emerge until the late stages of the project .


  5. Using firewall to protect network security become more and more popular , but unfortunately the firewall technology today does not solve the inner security .
