more trusting
- adj.轻信的;轻易信赖别人的
- trusting的比较级

You got to be more trusting of people , okay ?
I thought you country folk were supposed to be more trusting .
It also indicated that Chinese tend to be more trusting of government departments than business organizations .
The Internet has emerged as a more trusting source for patients , too , creating an uphill battle for physicians .
You should be more trusting , Mr. Reese .
Some leaders in education are far more trusting of our nation 's young & and also recognize the inherent dangers of infantilization and isolation .
Service shows more trusting and experiencing characteristics , the service brand becomes more and more important to service enterprises . Because it can reduce consumers ' purchasing risks and promote their confidence .
The researchers added : ' Although similarity in food consumption is not indicative of whether two people will get along , we find consumers treat this as such . ' They feel more trusting of those who consume as they do .
The reformers in the government in 1985 allowed this political satire to be shown in limited release to send the nation a message that people should be more trusting of foreigners to encourage foreign direct investment and the introduction of new technology .
One worrying outcome of that research is the discovery that it is very hard to move from the low-trust situation , in which each Hunter chases his own rabbits , to the more trusting situation in which both team up to bring down the stag .
To have faith in this God would be more like trusting an essential benevolence in the universe , and less like believing a system of doctrinal statements .
At home , a new generation is coming of age with little memory of the more open and trusting America of ten years ago .
As service shows more experiencing or trusting characteristics , the brand , especially the strong brand is very important to service organizations . It becomes a commitment of service organizations to consumers . In addition , it can reduce consumers ' purchasing risks and increase their confidence .
Today Americans feel more vulnerable and less trusting of economic integration .
They like structured problems ; they don 't care for ambiguity ; they are more consensual , more trusting of organisations , of businesses .