- adj.首一的;首项系数为1的

This paper puts forward an analysis method of rotor har - monic leakage reactance in consideration of conductor effective width in slots , ie , Fourier analysis .
Reference [ 1 ] gived that kernel I : H → E of monic morphism f : E → G in the categories with zero object is zero-morphism O_ ( H , E ) .
By taking advantage of Wu ′ s method and a pseudo-division of matrix multivariable polynomial , a specific method for monic factoring of two element matrix polynomial is given . The effectiveness of this method has been shown on several test examples .
This paper systematically analyzes several modulations and control strategies for state-of-art multilevel inverters . They are multilevel sinusoidal pulse width modulation , space vector modulation , multilevel selective har - monic elimination , space vector control , capacitor balancing techniques etc.
The system can reproduce and flexi bly display the waveform of the fault signal , moreover , it has the functions of recording wave file management and fault electrical parameters measurement , har monic analysis , phase analysis and fault signal sequence component analysis .
In section 1 of chapter 2 , a lower bound on the second largest eigenvalues of a class of trees with an m-matching is presented by comparing the largest root of a monic polynomial with that of another monic polynomial .