
美 [ˈmɪksər ˈsetlər]英 [ˈmɪksə(r) ˈsetlə(r)]
  • n.混合澄清器;混合澄清槽;混合沉降器
  1. A study on selection agitator type and power consumption of mixer-settler


  2. Experimental research of the process of second solvent extraction cycle of high enriched uranium with mixer-settler


  3. Experimental research of the process of solvent extraction of PU with 3A mixer-settler


  4. The process of third plutonium cycle with critically safe multistage mixer-settler is experimentally studied .


  5. The main goal of this study is to offer dynamical characteristics for the design of the control system for 1A mixer-settler of Purex process .


  6. Study on Behaviour of 1A Mixer-settler for the Spent Fuel Reprocessing of High-enriched Uranium


  7. The study on structure of critically safe multistage mixer-settler for the extraction process of high enriched uranium and plutonium has been completed .


  8. When such process conditions as handling capacity , etc. are the same , the total volume of the mixer-settler reduces 20 % ~ 50 % .


  9. The constitutional feature of a new complete countercurrent mixer-settler unit , its main advantages , and its performances in solvent extraction tests are stated .


  10. The stage efficiency of solvent extraction with this mixer-settler unit is95 % ; specific power input is 0.27 kw / m3 feed .


  11. Gravity-flow type mixer-settler choke flange coupling


  12. Study on Extracting Uranium from Acid Leaching Pulp of Coal Ash Containing Uranium and Decreasing Loss of Organic Phase with Low Typ Box Mixer-settler with Sloping Bottom


  13. Abstract : The constraction features , principles of operation , main advantages and disadvantages and general situation of application in plants for complete counter-current mixer-settler were briefly reviewed .


  14. Abstract : the main factors affecting design parameters of mixer-settler are discussed , the general principle and methods to determine parameters in design are clarified and some experiences data for design are put forward .


  15. The Mixer-settler is still being widely used as one of the most liq-liq , extraction equipment , how to increase the stage efficiency and decrease the power consumption of the Mixer-settler are the main problems of its study and designing .


  16. The dynamic test was also carried out in a pilot plant air pulse mixer-settler . Technological system of the experiment was UO2 ( NO3 ) 2 + HNO3 + H2O / TBP30 % + OK .


  17. This paper describes the construction features , main advantages and the results of application of the complete counter-current mixer-settler ( CCCMS ) to separation of rare earth elements , recovery of uranium and tungstun , and treatment of waste water in 12 plants .


  18. A new type of extractor , low type for mixer-settler with sloping bottom , and small-scale and continuous bench-scale tests results of extracting uranium from acid leaching pulp of coal ash containing uranium using this extractor were described . The factors affecting solvent loss were determined .


  19. The development work is described in main on an immersion probe Y absorptiometer ( IPA ) and a floating probe Y absorptiometer ( FPA ) with their application to the solvent extraction for automatic determination of uranium concentrations of organic extracts in the mixer-settler of a certain uranium plant .
