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in a methodical manner
let us proceed methodologically


  1. Methodologically , the lesson from the Jones-Klenow research is that economic welfare is multi-dimensional .


  2. The study was methodologically flawed .


  3. The American legal system , like the English , is methodologically mainly a case law system .


  4. Methodologically speaking , it belongs to a qualitative study based on the data .


  5. Methodologically speaking , I mainly adopt fieldwork survey combined with literature research .


  6. Methodologically , these funds are studied by using panel data regression because this regression is more efficient .


  7. But previous health economic studies of community hospital care have been methodologically weak and difficult to interpret .


  8. Thus , high-resolution sequence stratigraphy is showing more and more advantages theoretically and methodologically .


  9. An experimental approach to the semantics and pragmatics of cardinals is significant both theoretically and methodologically .


  10. It performs an extensive and in depth research theoretically and methodologically on this topic , the deformation of transformer windings .


  11. Methodologically , the conclusion was just drew by a certain way instead of applying comprehensive method to confirm its sequence , origin pattern and age .


  12. But when the spotlight was turned on only the more methodologically rigorous studies , a potentially harmful association was found .


  13. This thesis examines the economic factor in European policy of the Adenauer government and attempts methodologically to combine the historical materials with the comments .


  14. Methodologically , the essay makes an effort to sort out monetary theories and monetary policy transmission mechanisms which will serve as theoretical basis for our further analysis .


  15. Methodologically , cognitive science takes on from introspective examination to behavior analysis , from mental reduction to functional construction , from symbolic operation to artificial neural networks .


  16. Methodologically , this mixed-methods approach , which has been seldom used in intercultural communication research , can enhance the validity and reliability of the research results .


  17. Methods To get the regressive equation and correlative coefficient , we compared the enzymatic method and the basic picric acid method methodologically on the detecting of creatinine .


  18. Conclusion Electroacupuncture plus mild moxibustion is methodologically simple and markedly effective in treating postoperative uroschesis and worthy to be clinically popularized and applied .


  19. Methodologically it succeeds to individualism in the normative and empirical studies on the efficiency theory , risk allocation , efficiency obstacles , contractual norm selection and efficiency remedy .


  20. And at the same time we investigate the sex ratio and the ecological mechanism of maintenance of sexual population , which develop theoretically and enrich methodologically the theory of spatial sex ecology .


  21. Methodologically , it 's a cross disciplinary study , not aiming at the quality of translation , but at the effects of translation on society , history , culture , philosophy , economy and law .


  22. Up to present , many clustering algorithms have been presented , but these algorithms are only suited special problems and users . Furthermore , they are imperfect both theoretically and methodologically , even severe fault .


  23. Theories and technologies stated in this dissertation are to support the demonstration , design and test of rapid-shot anti-aircraft gun fire control system in fields of short range air defense and antimissile theoretically and methodologically .


  24. Clustering technique have been applied to a wide range of problems , including pattern cognition , data mining , decision-analyzing and prediction , etc. , yet it is imperfect both theoretically and methodologically , even severe fault .


  25. Most of the extant literature on the relation between financial development and economic growth is , methodologically , supply-leading , while few people study this topic from the direction that what kind of financial system is best for economic growth .


  26. Through acknowledging dependence , it exposes the pseudo-definition of theoretical and practical rational fallacies about the theory of virtues . Furthermore , the moral philosophy is equal to the theory of virtues methodologically .


  27. Methodologically , Heidegger reflected , tested and practiced in his thinking and speech the meaning potential and the conceptual efficacy of what he termed ' formal indication ' as a step away from the tendency of formalization in traditional philosophy .


  28. Methodologically , drawing on the previous relevant research achievements and the cultural translation theory , this study will , besides the literature research method , apply the method of comparative analysis of texts and the data thus obtained will undergo theoretical analysis on the basis of the relevant theory .


  29. The ultrasonic CT detecting method for weathering degrees of lithoid cultural relics with ultrasonic penetrating waves is discussed theoretically and methodologically , and a set of methods to detect the weathering degrees and the main mechanical parameters distribution of lithoid relics are put forward .


  30. Methodologically , this thesis follows the language-based method utilized by the precursors of this research . In other words , this thesis is based on a thorough collection of the linguistic expressions including words , phrases , idioms , etc. found in various authoritative Chinese dictionaries .
