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  • 网络扫描量热仪;髓源性抑制细胞;肌源性干细胞;髓样抑制细胞;调制式差示扫描量热法
  1. Studies showed that combination of the two approaches ( MDSC ) can guarantee better " quality adaptation " video transmission .


  2. The level of peripheral blood MDSC and CRP have positive correlation whatever before or after therapy . 4 .


  3. MDSC can induce immune tolerance in the development of tumor cell , and is an obstacle in immune therapy .


  4. And the level of peripheral blood MDSC was irrelevant to the age , sex and histology types . 3 .


  5. It was found that the melting process of PEs can respond relatively to the modulated frequency of temperature of MDSC .


  6. AIM : To explore the method of isolation , identification and induced differentiation of muscle derived stem cells ( MDSC ) in rabbits .


  7. Higher-order structure of fibers was investigated by means of WAXD , SAXS , interference microscope and MDSC .


  8. MDSC inhibited proliferation of effector T cells and induced a contact-dependent apoptosis in an iNOS-dependent manner .


  9. The tensor coupling of the ω meson to nucleon in modified derivative scalar coupling ( MDSC ) model for finite nuclei was investigated .


  10. The effects of heating , tensile and high pressure treatments on the aggregate structure of low density polyethylene ( PE-LD ) samples were studied using a modulated DSC ( MDSC ) .


  11. The partial glass transition temperatures of beef meal and actomyosin were tested by Modulated Differential Scanning Calorimeter ( MDSC ) . The average transition temperature was - 52.54 ℃ .


  12. The experimental results show that the endothermic process in the MDSC curve is invertible . It is caused by the phase change from solid to liquid of the mixture of initial NC and partly decomposed products in condensed phase .


  13. With the use of modified derivative scalar coupling ( MDSC ) model , the nuclear surface properties and the spin-orbit potential in semi-infinite nuclear matter have been investigated in the framework of relativistic Thomas-Fermi and Hartree approaches .


  14. Part I : The Role of Myeloid-derived suppressor cells in mouse liver transplantation 【 Objectives 】 Myeloid-derived suppressor cell ( MDSC ) are a group of newly discovered myeloid cell populations which have shown a strong immune regulatory functions .


  15. Flow cytometry was used to detect CD11b + CD33 + HLA-DR - MDSC in peripheral blood of syphilitic sero-resistant patients , and analysis the relationship between the level of MDSC and sero-resistance RPR titer . Results : 1 .


  16. Effects of Local ATP Injection on mouse muscle-derived stem cells of denervated skeletal muscle in vivo : We made the models of injury of sciatic nerve in mice and injected ATP into gastrocnemius as the pre-method . The proliferation of MDSC was detected post-operation .
