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  • 【医】【=millibar(unit of pressure)】毫巴(压力单位)
  1. Vacuum drying is considered less practical since a pressure of0.15 mbar is required to obtain a similar final water concentration in the system .


  2. At seasonal time scales , GRACE gravity is capable to detect land water change less than 1 cm or change in oceanic bottom pressure less than 1 mbar .


  3. After understanding well the association rules , an improved Apriori arithmetic : MBAR (( Map-based association rule mining ), has been developed and tested in the paper . 4 .


  4. The experimental results indicate that the maximum pressure of 1.32 Mbar has been reached in our strongest cell , and the highest additional support to the diamond by the extruded gasket first measured by the authors consists with the evaluated value by Bell and Mao .
