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  1. Soon after the term started , some Grade Eight students at Mayfield School wanted to publish a newspaper .


  2. Ten years on , the John Lewis partnership is a national treasure , with Mr Mayfield its personification .


  3. Teacher : And now please give a big Mayfield School welcome ...


  4. A Biomechanical Study on the Compression and Tensile Load on Skull of Mayfield Head Holder in Cervical Posterior Approach


  5. to this year 's Mayfield Boosters Club Auction .


  6. Mr Mayfield , who walks the shop floor about once a month , reckons he probably has between five and eight left .


  7. Dr Mayfield has tendered his resignation .


  8. He intimated that House might be more into cooking than expected and to look for him to explore that side of himself after he 's discharged from Mayfield .


  9. Now , Juli Baker did not wind up in The Mayfield Times ... for being an eighth-grade Einstein .


  10. Resting his hand on his forehead , or pushing it through his slightly dishevelled dark blonde hair as he talks , Mr Mayfield says : What 's the value of having a symbol ?


  11. " Sometimes people talk about the partnership in slightly quaint ways , about it being almost like a cosy philanthropic movement , but actually the partnership is unashamedly a business , " says Mr Mayfield .


  12. To the young people like-a 13-year-old Anne Riddell from Mayfield , Ohio , who had been saving for two years to go to Disney World and decided to use her savings instead to travel to Pennsylvania with her mom and volunteer there , as well .
