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in a skillfully masterful manner;with the skill of a master
the young boy played the violin sonata masterfully


  1. He took her arm masterfully and led her away .


  2. Base on new sources , this is a chilling story masterfully told .


  3. He masterfully handled the whole situation using diplomacy and tact .


  4. But Utzon masterfully exploited the site as nobody else could .


  5. The young boy played the violin sonata masterfully .


  6. He handled the Tehran incident for us masterfully .


  7. Beyond dispute is the fact that he has played the politics of the Volvo deal masterfully .


  8. Again , B & B Italia has masterfully crafted the space , including the kitchen .


  9. But Buffett usually plays the odds masterfully and now says risk is grossly overpriced .


  10. He grappled masterfully with 11 presidents , and liked them less as he got older .


  11. inspired an inspired performance an inspired choice / guess a masterful performance He took her arm masterfully and led her away .


  12. Part of what I 've learned in my research and reporting is that the art of living well is often practiced most masterfully by the most vulnerable .


  13. It was so masterfully painted that it seemed to live and breathe and to be the most charming beautiful thing in the whole world .


  14. Even if information is properly captured , skillfully organized , and masterfully managed , it still must be accessed by a user to have any purpose .


  15. But Pound played a key role in Eliot 's development , editing his work masterfully and arranging for it to be published in influential magazines .


  16. You masterfully tied together a set of emotional symptoms that looked enough like attention deficit disorder to buy you extra time on all your finals and standardized tests .


  17. As Nuremberg was a publishing and art town , there was never a shortage of talent able to engrave shapes into slate masterfully .


  18. BTATTOOISTS masterfully etched Japanese-inspired fantasies and intricate tribal designs on to living bodies at the11th annual New York City Tattoo Convention .


  19. This pygmy seahorse is only about a half-inch tall and has flesh that blends masterfully well with the sea fans it lives among .


  20. In this animated film , director Georges Schwizgebel masterfully sweeps us into another world through music and movement , breaking down the boundaries between desire and reality .


  21. The United States would always like to use economic diplomacy to accomplish its strategic objectives as masterfully as possible in history , and the economic diplomacy exerts great impact on the evolution of American history .


  22. Contract manufacturers exist in the car business , but there is no global supply chain to dial up instantly , as Apple has been able to do so masterfully with its gadgets .


  23. Learn from Kate Moss 's Met Gala look in 2008 as she 's masterfully cinched in a Grecian-inspired dress with some strong silverware , giving herself instant curves .


  24. Who could forget the mesmerizing spectacle of the young Sherkh , as he masterfully rode his horse at full speed up all the steps to the top of the stadium ?


  25. The Beijing-based group , a creative formation of Liu Zhan , Kuang Jun and Tan Tianwei , masterfully constructs their hollowed , incomplete sculptures out of stainless steel and marble .


  26. There may now be several fire-eating piano virtuosos who can execute the original notes , but few can liberate the prophetic music they contain as masterfully as Janice Weber does here .


  27. Lockhart handled the disappointment masterfully , rejoining law firm Lockhart / Gardner with a renewed sense of purpose : She 's out to squash a group of former colleagues who 've left to start their own firm .


  28. As the troops of Liu and Sun unite in a strategic formation against Cao 's 200000 cavalry assault , masterfully varied cinematography captures an astounding array of military pageantry , martial arts sequences and ancient weaponry that could be a war game geek 's wet dream .


  29. This would turn out to be something called " spear squid . " Freshly caught and still alive in the kitchen , it was killed , masterfully julienned and brought to the table as sashimi , along with a sauce made of fermented bonito guts , a condiment of pickled wild wasabi flowers ,
