
  • n.毯魟,双吻前口蝠鲼(体宽大于长,见于暖水海域)
  • manta的复数
  1. The hypothesis is that mantas use those fins to pick up electrical signals from other animals moving in the water .


  2. Sand mantas , most likely .


  3. Mantas , easily recognizable by their pectoral " wings ," stay near the ocean 's surface , unlike other rays .


  4. The stately dance in the milky waters turns into a free-for-all , with hundreds of mantas bumping into each other .


  5. Graceful and efficient , 2000-pound mantas feed on Indian Ocean krill as silversides swirl around them in Hanifaru Bay in the Maldives .


  6. Mantas , with their slow reproductive rate , are vulnerable to overfishing , so a robust tourist trade could give local communities an economic incentive to conserve the fish rather than kill them .


  7. Graceful and efficient , 2,000-pound mantas feed on Indian Ocean krill as silversides swirl around them in Hanifaru Bay in the Maldives .


  8. Within hours the plankton run out , the feast winds down , and the mantas plow the bay 's sandy bottom with their cephalic fins to throw hidden prey back into the water column .


  9. Cue Manta birostris . " Just after high tide you 'll see a few manta rays turn up ," says Guy Stevens , a British marine biologist who 's been researching the Maldives mantas for the past three years .
