majority opinion

美 [məˈdʒɔːrəti əˈpɪnjən]英 [məˈdʒɒrəti əˈpɪnjən]
  • 多数意见
majority opinionmajority opinion


the opinion joined by a majority of the court (generally known simply as `the opinion')


  1. The majority opinion acknowledged the violation , but held that there was no proof of " deliberate indifference " to civil rights .


  2. The survey form to better represent our medicine , Integrative Medicine Neurology experts epilepsy syndrome of the majority opinion , for the future lay the foundation for large-scale clinical investigation .


  3. After canvassing the sentiments of his constituents , the congressman was confident that he represented the majority opinion of his district .


  4. Ask yourself – could your majority opinion be wrong ?


  5. They may vote with other judges as part of a unanimous or majority opinion .


  6. Her company misunderstands loyalty as forced conformity to the majority opinion .


  7. Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote the majority opinion .


  8. Dissenting ( especially dissenting with the majority opinion ) .


  9. Then three criteria on mass of information condition are given , which are majority opinion , idempotence , convergence .


  10. Justice Kennedy wrote in the majority opinion that the Constitution should evolve with societal changes .


  11. Justice Antonin Scalia wrote the majority opinion .


  12. If the chief executive does not accept a majority opinion of the executive council , he or she shall put the specific reasons on record .


  13. Majority opinion has coalesced around more oversight because of a coincidence of economic and political decisions in the Treasury and the Fed .


  14. Oppose the majority opinion of the team : Li Yi disagrees with the rest of her team that the original formula is safe to test on humans .


  15. Perhaps in the majority opinion , the stronger and bigger coverage of the field of the antenna should be the better , while a small range of reading is not functional .


  16. But Helmke noted that in his majority opinion , Justice Scalia said that although the court recognizes an individual right to bear arms , that right is not unlimited .


  17. Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg , Stephen G. Breyer and Sonia Sotomayor joined Kennedy 's majority opinion .


  18. So it was no surprise that Mr Kennedy wrote the majority opinion in a 5-4 decision by the court this week that orders California to reduce its prison overcrowding .


  19. Justice Anthony M. Kennedy , the author of the majority opinion , has long been skeptical of race-sensitive programs and had never before voted to uphold an affirmative action plan .


  20. The majority opinion is that the operation is necessary in patients with biggish hemorrhage volume , trend of brain hernia , hemorrhage above cerebella curtain with continuous deteriorative condition after medical treatment and cerebella hemorrhage above 10ml needing operation .


  21. It seems that the majority opinion in Seoul is that North Koreans blinked when faced with determination and the willingness to use force – and few people doubt that the promised North Korean retaliation , if actually carried out , would trigger a colossal South Korean military response .


  22. It 's interesting because he rejected the Aristotelian premise underlying the majority 's opinion .


  23. So there you have Justice Scalia taking on the Aristotelian premise of the majority 's opinion .


  24. If there are controversial points of view : say so , elaborate on them and point out if one of them represents the majority 's opinion .


  25. A great and simple test is whether you can argue both the majority and dissenting opinion well – irrespective of which one you hold .


  26. Modern sudden sensorineural hearing loss in the pathogenesis of blood stasis due to qi stagnation , swelling of the liver meridian side of the majority of medical opinion at home .


  27. Justices who sign on to either the majority or minority opinion may also add their own opinions , singularly and collectively , that augment the group opinion . If the minority will not acquiesce , the majority must , or the Government must cease .
