- 网络规格下限;逻辑左移;格形;已故

OSL provides many existing LSL functions and has additional scripting capabilities , such as dynamic texture drawing features .
The scripting language ( LSL ) is fairly well documented , although some sections are incomplete .
The appropriate loading saturation level ( LSL ) of alkali-catalyzer was 10 % .
You can use the LSL documentation to write scripts for objects , and just build objects in the simulator using the standard client .
The LSL documentation is useful even to someone who 's never going to touch a C + + compiler or a line of source and who just uses prebuilt downloads of the viewer .
Since the LSL byte code isn 't directly translatable into the IL byte code used by Mono , only scripts that still have the original LSL source code can be ported .
Basing on the briefly introduction of the LSL ( least-squares lattice ) algorithm and QPSK ( quadrature phase shift keying ), a LSL adaptive equalizer for QPSK modulation is presented . The equalizer shows the good performances .